Wounds And Bruises
An Epitome Of Homeopathic Healing Art
On this subject, I must necessarily be very brief. When a wound is
inflicted, the first and most important thing to be done is to _arrest
the flow of blood_. Every one should know how to do this. The bleeding
is to be stopped, and the wounded vessels to be secured, so that no
further flow can take place.
First, then, to stop the bleeding, _pressure_ is to be made upon the
artery leading to the wound. If t
e wound is in the leg or foot,
pressure is to be made, either on the vessel above and near the wound,
or, where that cannot be easily found and compressed, make firm pressure
with the thumb or some hard substance, in the groin, about two and a
half inches at one side of the center of the pelvis, (wounded side) just
below the lower margin of the belly, towards the inner side of the
thigh, where the great artery (Femoral artery) can be felt pulsating. By
pressing firmly upon this artery, the blood is arrested in its flow into
the limb, and of course the bleeding from the wound soon ceases. If the
wound is in the arm or hand, _pressure_ is to be made, either just above
the wound, or on the inside of the arm, about one-third of the way from
the shoulder to the elbow, where the artery (Brachial) can be felt. To
secure the parts from further bleeding, the wounded artery must be taken
up and tied. Let it be seized by forceps, or the point of a needle may
be thrust into it, and the vessel stretched out a little, a thread put
round it and tied; cut off one end of the tie, and let the other hang
out of the wound, until it comes out by the vessel sloughing off. Bring
the lips of the wound together, and if it is large, put in stitches
enough to hold them, and put on an adhesive plaster, compress of cloths,
and bandages to keep it from straining the stitches, and protect it from
the air. The _Arnica_ plaster, made by JOHN HALL, of Cleveland, is the
best adhesive plaster of which I have any knowledge. Give the patient
_Aconite_ once in two hours, for a day after the accident.
_Slight Cuts_ about the joints, especially the knee, are dangerous, from
their liability to affect the ligaments, inflame, and produce _Lockjaw_.
Therefore, such wounds, ever so slight, are of great importance. They
should be at once closed up, whether they bleed or not, and covered with
an adhesive plaster, (Arnica plaster is the best) a bandage, and the
knee should not be bent, even when walking or sitting, until the wound
is healed. It is best to apply a splint from the hip to the heel, and
bandage the limb to it, so as to prevent bending of the joint.
_Bruises_ are to be treated with _Arnica_, applied to the part affected,
by putting twenty drops of the tincture into a gill of water, if the
skin is _not_ ruptured, or three drops into the same if it is, and
bathing freely. The _Arnica_ is to be taken internally at a higher
dilution. Keep the parts covered with cloths and wet in _Arnica_ water.
If a blow is received upon the head, by a fall, or in any other way,
producing a "stunning" effect, (concussion of the brain) so that the
patient appears lifeless for a time, and delirious when he begins to
come to, there is great danger of inflammation of the brain, and death
from the re-action, or in some cases, the shock is so great that the
patient will never revive unless he has the proper aid.
_Arnica_ is the great remedy to bring on reaction, arouse the patient,
and prevent _dangerous_ inflammation or congestion of the brain.
When a patient is "stunned" by a blow or fall, he should be conveyed
soon as possible, to some _quiet_ place, and as little noise as
practicable made about him, and the room kept darkened. _Arnica_ 3d
should be given immediately, and the nostrils wet with strongly
arnicated water.
If fever arise after he comes to, _Aconite_ should be given with
_Arnica_, and if the head aches, or becomes hot, _Bell._ is to be used.
This will prevent or arrest all symptoms of inflammation.
_Torn and Mangled_ wounds should not be handled much. If they bleed, the
blood must be stopped as in any other case. If they are dirty, warm
water may be gently applied to cleanse them. The wound should be covered
with some soft cloths, and kept constantly wet in Arnicated water of the
strength of four drops of the _tincture_ to a pint of water.