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Cephalanthus Occidentalis

NAT. ORD., Rubiaceae.

COMMON NAMES, Button Bush, Crane Willow.

PREPARATION.--The fresh bark of branches and roots is pounded to a pulp

and macerated in two parts by weight of alcohol.

(The item given below was contributed to the American

Observer, 1875, by Dr. E. D. Wright.)

Proving--one-half ounce in a day.

First day--raw, sore throat; nervous, excited; felt light and easy,

happy; bowels constipated.

Second day--the same dose. Hard dreams about fighting, quarreling;

restless and tossing over; joints of the fingers lame; griping pains in

the lungs(?); in body and limbs, especially in the joints; toothache;

bowels loose, stool offensive; almost affected by the piles.

CURES.--Intermittent fever, quotidian and tertian fever; sore throat,

quinsy--had very good effect.

Rheumatic fevers, with soreness of the flesh.

A teamster fell in the river. Cold, and inflammatory fever was cured


