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Lapis Albus

SYNONYM. Silico-Fluoride of Calcium.

PREPARATION.--The residue obtained by evaporation, from the waters of

the mineral springs of Gastein, Germany, is triturated in the usual way.

(It was Von Grauvogl who first called attention to this

drug, the product of certain mineral springs in Germany,

that have reputation for curing ulcers, cancers, tumors,

etc. In the Transactions
of the American Institute of

Homoeopathy, 1896, will be found the following by Dr.

W. A. Dewey):

My experience with this remedy, and I have been somewhat interested in

it, dates from about 1876. At that time a member of my own family had an

enlargement of one of the cervical glands. It was nearly as large as a

hen's egg, and had a soft, doughy feel. Under Lapis albus 6,

prescribed, I believe, by Dr. G. E. E. Sparhawk, now of Burlington,

Vt., the swelling speedily and completely disappeared. A peculiar and

unusual symptom noticed by this patient while taking the medicine was a

marked increase in the appetite; it became ravenous.

Since that time I have used the remedy in many cases of scrofulous

enlargement of the cervical glands, and find that it is almost specific

where the glands have a certain amount of elasticity and pliability

about them, rather than a stony hardness, such as might call for

Calcarea fluorica, Cistus or Carbo animalis.

One case in particular which I recall was a young lady, about twenty

years of age, a natural blonde, skin fair, bluish white, showing

prominent veins, who had a glandular enlargement in the right

supra-clavicular region, nearly the size of a goose egg, and one

somewhat smaller a little farther back in the interval between the

sterno-cleido mastoid and trapezius muscles. These had a certain amount

of hardness, but they were movable. Others of the cervical chain were

also enlarged, the right side being the only one affected. As the young

lady was engaged to be married, these unsightly lumps were very

distressing. Lapis albus 6, a powder four times a day, in a week

caused a marked diminution of the size of the glands, and in three weeks

they were not noticeable, and eventually entirely disappeared. This

patient also had a ravenous appetite while taking the remedy, an unusual

thing for her. Her anaemic color and complexion were also greatly


The most remarkable effect of the use of the remedy I have had was in

the case of goitre in a lady of about thirty-five, blonde, who had for

over a year noticed a gradual increase in the size of the thyroid gland,

until it was as large as a good-sized fist, when she came to me. Both

halves of the gland seemed to be equally involved. It did not appear to

be of the encapsulated variety. This patient had received previous

homoeopathic treatment, having had Spongia, Iodine, Thuja, as

well as some other remedies. Lapis albus 6 was prescribed, a dose

every three hours. The swelling began to disappear at once, and

continued to diminish in size until it completely disappeared, and at

the present time over five years have passed with no return of the


