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Usnea Barbata

NAT. ORD., Lichens.

PREPARATION.--The fresh lichen is macerated in five times its weight of


(This appeared in No. 284 of the U. S. Med.

Investigator signed "---- M. D."):

In March, 1878, I was cutting wood. I cut down a soft maple; the top was

well loaded with moss. It attracted my attention; I viewed it closely. I

ate a little, about the size of
a hickory nut, as I trimmed up my tree.

My head began to ache. I cut off one log, and had to go to the house. I

could feel the blood press to the brain. My wife worked over me, and I

got to sleep. Next morning felt well; never felt better. I did not think

of the moss I had eaten. I went on a visit and was gone five days. On my

return I went to my tree. The first sight of it reminded me of my


I gathered some of the moss and made a tincture. I soon had a case of

headache to try my remedy on; it stopped at once.

In the fall, about September, a load of young folks came to pick

cranberries. Two of the young ladies had headache from riding in the hot

sun. Both took to the lounge. Now for my remedy. I put one drop of

tincture in a goblet of water, gave a teaspoonful; ordered another in

fifteen minutes. The second dose stopped the pain.

A young married lady came on a visit to a relative--was having pains in

her head. I was sent for; found her wild with pain. She said she had

been subject to headache for five years; had got tired of doctoring.

Gave her one drop in a cup of water, teaspoonful in twenty minutes; no

more pain. I put ten drops in a two-drachm vial of alcohol, directed her

to take one drop when she felt her headache coming on. One year after

she wrote her friend it had cured headache; sent thanks to me.

I could give many more cases where the pain is over the entire head, or

front head, with a feeling as if the temples would burst or the eyes

would burst out of their sockets. I have always used the tincture. I

have not noticed any other effect from it; would like to see a proving.

