After Salicet's lifetime the focus of interest in surgery changes from
Italy to France, and what is still more complimentary to William, it is
through a favorite disciple of his that the change takes place. This was
Lanfranchi, or Lanfranco, sometimes spoken of as Alanfrancus, who
practised as physician and surgeon in Milan until banished from there by
Matteo Visconti about 1290. He then went to Lyons, where in the course
of his practice he attracted so much attention that he was offered the
opportunity to teach surgery in Paris. He attracted what Gurlt calls an
almost incredible number of scholars to his lessons in Paris, and by
hundreds they accompanied him to the bedside of his patients and
attended his operations. The dean of the medical faculty, Jean de
Passavant, urged him to write a text-book of surgery, not only for the
benefit of his students at Paris but for the sake of the prestige which
this would confer on the medical school. Deans still urge the same
reasons for writing. Lanfranc completed his surgery, called Chirurgia
Magna, in 1296, and dedicated it to Philippe le Bel, the then reigning
French King. Ten years later he died, but in the meantime he had
transferred Italian prestige in surgery from Italy to France and laid
the foundations in Paris of a thoroughly scientific as well as a
practical surgery, though this department of the medical school had been
in a sadly backward state when he came.
In the second chapter of this text-book, the first containing the
definition of surgery and general introduction, Lanfranc describes the
qualities that in his opinion a surgeon should possess. He says, It is
necessary that a surgeon should have a temperate and moderate
disposition. That he should have well-formed hands, long slender
fingers, a strong body, not inclined to tremble and with all his members
trained to the capable fulfilment of the wishes of his mind. He should
be of deep intelligence and of a simple, humble, brave, but not
audacious disposition. He should be well grounded in natural science,
and should know not only medicine but every part of philosophy; should
know logic well, so as to be able to understand what is written, to talk
properly, and to support what he has to say by good reasons. He
suggests that it would be well for the surgeon to have spent some time
teaching grammar and dialectics and rhetoric, especially if he is to
teach others in surgery, for this practice will add greatly to his
teaching power. Some of his expressions might well be repeated to young
surgeons in the modern time. The surgeon should not love difficult
cases and should not allow himself to be tempted to undertake those that
are desperate. He should help the poor as far as he can, but he should
not hesitate to ask for good fees from the rich.
Many generations since Lanfranc's time have used the word nerves for
tendons. Lanfranc, however, made no such mistake. He says that the
wounds of nerves, since the nerve is an instrument of sense and motion,
are, on account of the greater sensitiveness which these structures
possess, likely to involve much pain. Wounds along the length of the
nerves are less dangerous than those across them. When a nerve is
completely divided by a cross wound Lanfranc is of the opinion, though
Theodoric and some others are opposed to it, that the nerve ends should
be stitched together. He says that this suture insures the
redintegration of the nerve much better. After this operation the
restoration of the usefulness of the member is more complete and
His description of the treatment of the bite of a rabid dog is
interesting. A large cupping glass should be applied over the wound so
as to draw out as much blood as possible. After this the wound should be
dilated and thoroughly cauterized to its depths with a hot iron. It
should then be covered with various substances that were supposed to
draw, in order as far as possible to remove the poison. His description
of how one may recognize a rabid animal is rather striking in the light
of our present knowledge, for he seems to have realized that the main
diagnostic element is a change in the disposition of the animal, but
above all a definite tendency to lack playfulness. Lanfranc had seen a
number of cases of true rabies, and describes and suggests treatment for
them, though evidently without very much confidence in the success of
the treatment.
The treatment of snake bites and the bites of other poisonous animals
was supposed to follow the principles laid down for the bite of a mad
dog, especially as regards the encouragement of free bleeding and the
use of the cautery.
Lanfranc has many other expressions that one is tempted to quote,
because they show a thinking surgeon of the old time, anticipating many
supposedly modern ideas and conclusions. He is a particular favorite of
Gurlt's, who has more than twenty-five large octavo, closely printed
pages with regard to him. There is scarcely any development in our
modern surgery that Lanfranc has not at least a hint of, certainly
nothing in the surgery of a generation ago that does not find a mention
in his book. On most subjects he has practical observations from his own
experience to add to what was in surgical literature before his time. He
quotes altogether more than a score of writers on surgery who had
preceded him and evidently was thoroughly familiar with general surgical
literature. There is scarcely an important surgical topic on which Gurlt
does not find some interesting and personal remarks made by Lanfranc.
All that we can do here is refer those who are interested in Lanfranc to
his own works or Gurlt.