Medieval Dentistry - Giovanni Of Arcoli
If there is one phase of our present-day medicine and surgery that most
of us are likely to be quite sure is of very recent development it is
dentistry. Probably most people would declare at once that they had
every reason to think that the science and art of dentistry, as we have
it now, developed for the first time in the world's history during the
last generation or two. It is extremely interesting to realize then, in
the light of this almost universal persuasion, founded to a great extent
on the conviction that man is in process of evolution and that as a
consequence we must surely be doing things now that men never did
before, to find that dentistry, both as an art and science, is old; that
it has developed at a number of times in the world's history, and that
as fortunately for history its work was done mainly in indestructible
materials, the teeth themselves and metal prosthetic apparatus, we have
actual specimens of what was accomplished at a number of periods in the
olden times. Surprising as it will seem to those who hear of it for the
first time, dentistry reached high perfection even in what we know as
ancient history. It is rather easy to trace scientific and craftsmanlike
interest in it during the medieval period and in the magnificent
development of surgery that came just at the end of the Middle Ages,
dentistry shared to such degree that some of the text-books of the
writers on surgery of this time furnish abundant evidence of
anticipations of many of the supposedly most modern developments of
There are a number of historical traditions with regard to dentistry and
the treatment of the teeth in Egypt that can be traced back to good
authorities in Egyptology of a generation or more ago, but it is rather
hard to confirm the accounts we have by actual specimens; either none
were found or for some reason those actually discovered are now not
readily available for study. Among the Phenicians however, though we
have good reasons to think that they learned their arts and crafts from
the Egyptians, there is convincing evidence of a high development of
dentistry. M. Ernest Renan, during an exploring expedition in Phenicia,
found in the old necropolis at Sidon a set of teeth wired together, two
of which were artificial. It was a striking example of bridgework, very
well done, and may now be seen in the Louvre. It would be more than a
little surprising, from what we know of the lack of inventiveness on the
part of the Phenicians and their tendency to acquire their arts by
imitation, if they had reached such a climax of invention by themselves.
Since they adapted and adopted most of their arts and crafts from Egypt,
with which they were in close commercial relations, it has been argued
with some plausibility that the Egyptians may have had many modes of
dental prosthesis, but removed all artificial teeth and dental
appliances from the mouth of corpses before embalming them, in
preparation for the next world, because there was some religious
objection to such human handiwork being left in place for the hereafter,
as they hoped for it.
There is a well-authenticated tradition of intimate intercourse in a
commercial way between the old Etruscans who inhabited the Italian hill
country and the Phenicians, so that it is no surprise to find that the
oldest of Etruscan tombs contain some fine examples of bridgework. An
improvement has come over Phenician work however, and bands of gold
instead of wire are used for holding artificial teeth in place. Guerini,
whose History of Dentistry is the standard work on the subject, on a
commission from the Italian government, carefully studied these
specimens of Etruscan dental work in the museums of Italy, and has made
some interesting observations on them. In one specimen, which is
especially notable, two incisor teeth are replaced by a single tooth
from a calf. This was grooved in such a way as to make it seem like two
separate teeth. Guerini suggests a very interesting and quite unexpected
source for this. While examining the specimen he wondered where the old
Etruscan dentist had obtained a calf's tooth without a trace of wear on
it. He came to the conclusion that he must have cut into the gums of a
young calf before the permanent tooth was erupted in order to get this
structure absolutely unworn for his purpose. A number of examples of
bridgework have been found in the old Etruscan tombs. The dates of their
construction are probably not later than 500 B.C., and some of them are
perhaps earlier than 700 B.C.
The Etruscans affected the old Romans in the matter of dentistry, so
that it is easy to understand the passage in the Laws of the Twelve
Tables, issued about 450 B.C., which, while forbidding the burial of
gold with corpses, made a special exception for such gold as was
fastened to the teeth. Gold was rare at Rome, and care was exercised not
to allow any unnecessary decrease of the visible supply almost in the
same way as governments now protect their gold reserves. It may seem
like comparing little things with great, but the underlying principle is
the same. Hence this special law and its quite natural exception.
In Pope Julius' Museum in Rome there is a specimen of a gold cap made of
two plates of gold riveted together and also riveted to bands of metal
which were fastened around the neighboring teeth in order to hold the
cap in place. This is from later Republican times at Rome. At the end of
the Republic and the beginning of the Empire there appear to have been
many forms of dental appliances. Martial says that the reason why one
lady's teeth--whose name he does not conceal--are white and
another's--name also given--were dark, was that the first one bought
hers and the second still had her own. In another satiric poem he
describes an elderly woman as so much frightened that when she ran away
her teeth fell out, while her friends lost their false hair. Fillings of
many kinds were used, dentrifices of nearly every kind were invented,
and dentistry evidently reached a high stage of development, though we
have nowhere a special name for dentist, and the work seems to have been
done by physicians, who took this as a specialty.
While in the Middle Ages there was, owing to conditions, a loss of much
of this knowledge of antiquity with regard to dentistry, or an
obscuration of it, it never disappeared completely, and whenever men
have written seriously about medicine, above all about surgery in
relation to the face and the mouth, the teeth have come in for their
share of scientific and practical consideration. Aetius, the first
important Christian writer on medicine and surgery, discusses, as we
have seen in the sketch of him, the nutrition of the teeth, their
nerves, which came from the third pair and entered the teeth by a small
hole existing at the end of the root, and other interesting details of
anatomy and physiology. He knows much about the hygiene of the teeth,
discusses extraction and the cure of fistula and other details. Paul of
AEgina in the next century has much more, and while they both quote
mainly from older authors there seems no doubt that they themselves had
made not a few observations and had practical experience.
It was from these men that the Arabian physicians and surgeons obtained
their traditions of medicine, and so it is not surprising to find that
they discuss dental diseases and their treatment rationally and in
considerable detail. Abulcasis particularly has much that is of
significance and interest. We have pictures of two score of dental
instruments that were used by them. The Arabs not only treated and
filled carious teeth and even replaced those that were lost, but they
also corrected deformities of the mouth and of the dental arches.
Orthodontia is sometimes said to be of much later origin and to begin
many centuries after Abulcasis' time, yet no one who knows of his work
can speak of Orthodontia as an invention after him. In this, however, as
in most of the departments of medicine and surgery, the Arabs were
merely imitators, though probably they expanded somewhat the practical
knowledge that had come to them.
When the great revival in surgery came in the twelfth and thirteenth
centuries it is not surprising that there should also have been an
important renewal of interest in dentistry. A detailed review of this
would take us too far afield, but at least something may be said of two
or three of the great representative surgical writers who touched on
this specialty.
About the middle of the fourteenth century that prince of surgeons, and
model of surgical writers, Guy de Chauliac, wrote his great text-book of
surgery, Le Grande Chirurgie. An extremely interesting feature of this
work is to be found in the chapters that treat of diseases of the teeth.
These are not very comprehensive, and are evidently not so much the
result of his experience, as the fruit of his reading, yet they contain
many practical valuable ideas that are supposed to be ever so much later
than the middle of the fourteenth century. His anatomy and physiology at
least are not without many errors. His rules for the preservation of the
teeth show that the ordinary causes of dental decay were well recognized
even as early as this. Emphasis was laid on not taking foods too hot or
too cold, and above all not to follow either hot or cold food by
something very different from it in temperature. The breaking of hard
things with the teeth was recognized as one of the most frequent causes
of such deterioration of the enamel as gives opportunity for the
development of decay. The eating of sweets, and especially the sticky
sweets--preserves and the like--was recognized as an important source of
caries. The teeth were supposed to be cleaned frequently, and not to be
cleaned too roughly, for this would do more harm than good. We find
these rules repeated by succeeding writers on general surgery, who touch
upon dentistry, or at least the care of the teeth, and they were not
original with Guy de Chauliac, but part of the tradition of surgery.
As noted by Guerini in his History of Dentistry, the translation of
which was published under the auspices of the National Dental
Association of the United States of America,[28] Chauliac recognized the
dentists as specialists. Besides, it should be added, as is evident from
his enumeration of the surgical instruments which he declares necessary
for them, they were not as we might easily think in the modern time mere
tooth pullers, but at least the best among them treated teeth as far as
their limited knowledge and means at command enabled them to do so, and
these means were much more elaborate than we have been led to think, and
much more detailed than we have reason to know that they were at
certain subsequent periods.
In fact, though Guy de Chauliac frankly confesses that he touches on the
subject of dentistry only in order to complete his presentation of the
subject of surgery and not because he has anything of his own to say
with regard to the subject, there is much that is of present-day
interest in his brief paragraphs. He observes that operations on the
teeth are special and belong to the dentatores, or dentists, to whom
doctors had given them over. He considers, however, that the operations
in the mouth should be performed under the direction of a physician. It
is in order to give physicians the general principles with which they
may be able to judge of the advisability or necessity for dental
operations that his short chapters are written. If their advice is to be
of value, physicians should know the various methods of treatment
suitable for dental diseases, including mouth washes, gargles,
masticatories, anointments, rubbings, fumigations, cauterizations,
fillings, filings, and the various manual operations. He says that the
dentator must be provided with the appropriate instruments, among
which he names scrapers, rasps, straight and curved spatumina,
elevators, simple and with two branches, toothed tenacula, and many
different forms of probes and canulas. He should also have small
scalpels, tooth trephines, and files.
Chauliac is particularly emphatic in his insistence on not permitting
alimentary materials to remain in cavities, and suggests that if
cavities between the teeth tend to retain food material they should even
be filed in such a way as to prevent these accumulations. His
directions for cleansing the teeth were rather detailed. His favorite
treatment for wounds was wine, and he knew that he succeeded by means of
it in securing union by first intention. It is not surprising, then, to
find that he recommends rinsing of the mouth with wine as a precaution
against dental decay. A vinous decoction of wild mint and of pepper he
considered particularly beneficial, though he thought that dentifrices,
either powder or liquid, should also be used. He seems to recommend the
powder dentifrices as more efficacious. His favorite prescription for a
tooth powder, while more elaborate, resembles to such an extent, at
least some, if not indeed most of those, that are used at the present
time, that it seems worth while giving his directions for it. He took
equal parts of cuttle bone, small white sea-shells, pumice stone, burnt
stag's horn, nitre, alum, rock salt, burnt roots of iris, aristolochia,
and reeds. All of these substances should be carefully reduced to powder
and then mixed. His favorite liquid dentifrice contained the following
ingredients,--half a pound each of sal ammoniac and rock salt, and a
quarter of a pound of sacharin alum. All these were to be reduced to
powder and placed in a glass alembic and dissolved. The teeth should be
rubbed with it, using a little scarlet cloth for the purpose. Just why
this particular color of cleansing cloth was recommended is not quite
He recognized, however, that cleansing of the teeth properly often
became impossible by any scrubbing method, no matter what the dentifrice
used, because of the presence of what we call tartar and what he called
hardened limosity or limyness (limosite endurcie). When that condition
is present he suggests the use of rasps and spatumina and other
instrumental means of removing the tartar.
Evidently he did not believe in the removal of the teeth unless this was
absolutely necessary and no other method of treatment would avail to
save the patient from continuous distress. He summarizes the authorities
with regard to the extraction of teeth and the removal of dental
fragments and roots. He evidently knew of the many methods suggested
before his time of removing teeth without recourse to instrumental
extraction. There were a number of applications to the gums that were
claimed by older authors to remove the teeth without the need of metal
instruments. We might expect that Chauliac would detect the fallacy with
regard to these and expose it. He says that while much is claimed for
these methods he has never seen them work in practice and he distrusts
them entirely.
The most interesting phase of what Guy de Chauliac has to say with
regard to dentistry is of course to be found in his paragraphs on the
artificial replacement of lost teeth and the subject of dental
prosthesis generally. When teeth become loose he advises that they be
fastened to the healthy ones with a gold chain. Guerini suggests that he
evidently means a gold wire. If the teeth fall out they may be replaced
by the teeth of another person or with artificial teeth made from
oxbone, which may be fixed in place by a fine metal ligature. He says
that such teeth may be serviceable for a long while. This is a rather
curt way of treating so large a subject as dental prosthesis, but it
contains a lot of suggestive material. He was quoting mainly the Arabian
authors, and especially Abulcasis and Ali Abbas and Rhazes, and these of
course, as we have said, mentioned many methods of artificially
replacing teeth as also of transplantation and of treatment of the
deformities of the dental arches.
On the whole, however, it must be confessed that we have here in the
middle of the fourteenth century a rather surprising anticipation of the
knowledge of a special department of medicine which is usually
considered to be distinctly modern, and indeed as having only attracted
attention seriously in comparatively recent times.
After Guy de Chauliac the next important contributor to dentistry is
Giovanni of Arcoli, often better known by his Latin name, Johannes
Arculanus, who was a professor of medicine and surgery at Bologna and
afterwards at Padua, just before and after the middle of the fifteenth
century, and who died in 1484. He is famous principally for being the
first we know who mentions the filling of teeth with gold.
It might possibly be suggested that coming at this time Arculanus should
rather be reckoned as a Maker of Medicine in the Renaissance than as
belonging to the Middle Ages and its influences. His education, however,
was entirely completed before the earliest date at which the Renaissance
movement is usually said to begin, that is with the fall of
Constantinople in 1452, and he was dead before the other date, that of
the discovery of America in 1492, which the Germans have in recent years
come to set down as the end of the Middle Ages. Besides, what he has to
say about dentistry occurs in typical medieval form. It is found in a
commentary on Rhazes, written just about the middle of the fifteenth
century. In the later true Renaissance such a commentary would have been
on a Greek author. In his commentary Arculanus touches on most of the
features of medicine and surgery from the standpoint of his own
experience as well as from what he knows of the writings of his
predecessors and contemporaries. With the rest he has a series of
chapters on diseases of the teeth. Guerini in his History of Dentistry
says that this subject [dentistry] is treated rather fully, and with
great accuracy. Even some short references to it will, I think,
demonstrate this rather readily.[29]
Arculanus is particularly full in his directions for the preservation of
the teeth. We are rather prone to think that prophylaxis is
comparatively a modern idea, and that most of the principles of
conservation of human tissues and the prevention of deterioration and
disease are distinctly modern. It needs only a little consideration of
Arculanus' instruction in the matter of the teeth, however, to undo any
such false impression. For obvious reasons I prefer to quote Guerini's
summation of this medieval student of dentistry's rules for dental
For the preservation of teeth--considered by him, quite
rightly, a matter of great importance--Giovanni of Arcoli
repeats the various counsels given on the subject by preceding
writers, but he gives them as ten distinct canons or rules,
creating in this way a kind of decalogue of dental hygiene.
These rules are: (1) It is necessary to guard against the
corruption of food and drink within the stomach; therefore,
easily corruptible food--milk, salt fish, etc.--must not be
partaken of, and after meals all excessive movement, running
exercises, bathing, coitus, and other causes that impair the
digestion, must also be avoided. (2) Everything must be
avoided that may provoke vomiting. (3) Sweet and viscous
food--such as dried figs, preserves made with honey,
etc.--must not be partaken of. (4) Hard things must not be
broken with the teeth. (5) All food, drink, and other
substances that set the teeth on edge must be avoided. (6)
Food that is too hot or too cold must be avoided, and
especially the rapid succession of hot and cold, and vice
versa. (7) Leeks must not be eaten, as such a food, by its own
nature, is injurious to the teeth. (8) The teeth must be
cleaned at once, after every meal, from the particles of food
left in them; and for this purpose thin pieces of wood should
be used, somewhat broad at the ends, but not sharp-pointed or
edged; and preference should be given to small cypress twigs,
to the wood of aloes, or pine, rosemary, or juniper and
similar sorts of wood which are rather bitter and styptic;
care must, however, be taken not to search too long in the
dental interstices and not to injure the gums or shake the
teeth. (9) After this it is necessary to rinse the mouth by
using by preference a vinous decoction of sage, or one of
cinnamon, mastich, gallia, moschata, cubeb, juniper seeds,
root of cyperus, and rosemary leaves. (10) The teeth must be
rubbed with suitable dentrifices before going to bed, or else
in the morning before breakfast. Although Avicenna recommended
various oils for this purpose, Giovanni of Arcoli appears
very hostile to oleaginous frictions, because he considers
them very injurious to the stomach. He observes, besides, that
whilst moderate frictions of brief duration are helpful to the
teeth, strengthen the gums, prevent the formation of tartar,
and sweeten the breath, too rough or too prolonged rubbing is,
on the contrary, harmful to the teeth, and makes them liable
to many diseases.
All this is so modern in many ways that we might expect a detailed exact
knowledge of the anatomy of the teeth and even something of their
embryology from Arculanus. It must not be forgotten, however, that
coming as he does before the Renaissance, the medical sciences in the
true sense of the word are as yet unborn. Men are accumulating
information for practical purposes but not for the classification and
co-ordination that was to make possible the scientific development of
their knowledge.
Giovanni of Arcoli's acquaintance with the anatomy of the teeth was
rather sadly lacking. He does not know even with certainty the number of
roots that the teeth have. This has been attributed to the fact that he
obtained most of his information from books, and had not the time to
verify descriptions that he had found. It has been argued from this that
he was himself probably not a practical dentist, and turned to that
specialty only as a portion of his work as a general surgeon, and that
consequently he was not sufficiently interested to verify his
statements. His chapters on dentistry would seem to bear out this
conclusion to some extent, though the very fact that one who was himself
not specially interested in dental surgery should have succeeded in
gathering together so much that anticipates modern ideas in dentistry,
is of itself a proof of how much knowledge of the subject there was
available for a serious student of that time. The anatomy of the teeth
continued to be rather vague until about the middle of the next century
when Eustachius, whose investigations of the anatomy of the head have
deservedly brought him fame and the attachment of his name to the
Eustachian canal, wrote his Libellus de Dentibus--Manual of the Teeth,
which is quite full, accurate, and detailed. Very little has been added
to the microscopic anatomy of the teeth since Eustachius' time. He had
the advantage, of course, of being intimately in contact with the great
group of Renaissance anatomists,--Vesalius, Columbus, Varolius,
Fallopius, and the others, the great fathers of anatomy. Besides, his
position as Papal Physician and Professor of Anatomy at the Papal
Medical School at Rome gave him opportunities for original
investigation, such as were not easily obtained elsewhere.
Arculanus can scarcely be blamed, therefore, for not having anticipated
the Renaissance, and we must take him as merely the culmination of
medieval knowledge with regard to anatomy and surgery. Medieval medical
men did not have the time nor apparently the incentive to make formal
medical science, though it must not be forgotten, as has been said, that
they did use the knowledge they obtained by their own and others'
observation to excellent advantage for the practical benefit of ailing
humanity. The sciences related to medicine are conscious developments
that follow the evolution of practical medicine, nor must it be
forgotten that far from always serving as an auxiliary to applied
medical science, often indeed in the history of medicine scientific
pursuits have led men away into side issues from which they had to be
brought back by some genius medical observer. As might be expected,
then, it is with regard to the practical treatment and general
consideration of ailments of the teeth that Giovanni of Arcoli is most
interesting. In this some of his chapters contain a marvellous series of
Arculanus was probably born towards the end of the fourteenth century.
The date of his death is variously placed as either 1460 or 1484, with
the probability in favor of the former. From 1412 to 1427 he was
professor at Bologna, where in accordance with the non-specializing
tendencies of the time he did not occupy a single chair but several in
succession. He seems first to have taught Logic, then Moral Philosophy,
and finally Medicine. His reputation in medicine drew many students to
the university, and his fame spread all over Italy. The rival University
of Padua then secured him, and he seems to have been for some twenty
years there. Later apparently he accepted a professor's chair at
Ferrara, where the D'Estes were trying to bring their university into
prominence. It was at Ferrara that he died. He was a man of wide
reading, of extensive experience, both of men and medicine, and one of
the scholars of his time. His works are, as we have said, mainly
excerpts from earlier writers and particularly the Arabians, but they
contain enough of hints drawn from his own observation and experience
to make his work of great value.
While, as Gurlt remarks in his History of Surgery, Arculanus' name is
one of those scarcely known--he is usually considered just one of many
obscure writers of the end of the Middle Ages--his writings deserve a
better fate. They contain much that is interesting and a great deal that
must have been of the highest practical value to his contemporaries.
They attracted wide attention in his own and immediately succeeding
generations. The proof of this is that they exist in a large number of
manuscript copies. Just as soon as printing was introduced his books
appeared in edition after edition. His Practica was printed in no less
than seven editions in Venice. Three of them appeared before the end of
the fifteenth century, which places them among the incunabula of
Probably nothing in the history of human intellectual interest is more
striking than the excellent judgment displayed by the editors who
selected the works to be printed at this time. Very few of them were
trivial or insignificant. Fewer still were idle speculations, and most
of them were almost of classical import for literature and science. Four
editions of this work were printed in Venice in the sixteenth century,
one of them as late as 1560, when the work done by such men as Vesalius,
Columbus, Eustachius, and Fallopius would seem to have made Arculanus
out of date. The dates of the various editions are Venice, 1483, 1493,
1497, 1504, 1542, 1557, and 1560. Besides there was an edition printed
at Basel in 1540.
Arculanus is said to have re-introduced the use of the seton, that is
the method of producing intense counter-irritation by the introduction
of some foreign body into an incision in the skin. We owe to him, too,
according to Pagel in the chapters on medieval medicine in Puschmann's
Handbook of the History of Medicine, an excellent description of
alcoholic insanity.
His directions for the treatment of conditions in the mouth and nose
apart from the teeth are quite as explicit and practical, and in many
ways quite as great an anticipation of some of our modern notions as
what he has to say with regard to the teeth. For instance, in the
treatment of polyps he says that they should be incised and cauterized.
Soft polyps should be drawn out with a toothed tenaculum as far as can
be without risk of breaking them off. The incision should be made at the
root so that nothing or just as little as possible of the pathological
structure be allowed to remain. It should be cut off with a fine
scissors, or with a narrow file just small enough to permit its ingress
into the nostrils, or with a scalpel without cutting edges on the sides,
but only at its extremity, and this cutting edge should be broad and
well sharpened. If there is danger of hemorrhage, or if there is fear of
it, the instruments with which dissection is made should be fired
(igniantur), that is, heated at least to a dull redness. Afterwards
the stump, if any remains, should be touched with a hot iron or else
with cauterizing agents so that as far as possible it should be
After the operation a pledget of cotton dipped in the green ointment
described by Rhazes should be placed in the nose. This pledget should
have a string fastened to it, hanging from the nose in order that it may
be easily removed. At times it may be necessary to touch the root of the
polyp with a stylet on which cotton has been placed that has been dipped
in aqua fortis (nitric acid). It is important that this cauterizing
fluid should be rather strong so that after a certain number of touches
a rather firm eschar is produced. In all these manipulations in the nose
Arculanus recommends that the nose should be held well open by means of
a nasal speculum. Pictures of all these instruments occur in his extant
works, and indeed this constitutes one of their most interesting and
valuable features. They are to be seen in Gurlt's History of Surgery.
In some cases he had seen the polyp was so difficult to get at or was
situated so far back in the nose that it could not be reached by means
of a tenaculum or scissors, or even the special knife devised for that
purpose. For these patients Arculanus describes an operation that is to
be found in the older writers on surgery, Paul of AEgina (AEginetus),
Avicenna, and some of the other Arabian surgeons. For this three
horse-tail hairs are twisted together and knotted in three or four
places, and one end is passed through the nostrils and out through the
mouth. The ends of this are then pulled on backward and forward after
the fashion of a saw. Arculanus remarks evidently with the air of a man
who has tried it and not been satisfied that this operation is quite
uncertain, and seems to depend a great deal on chance, and much reliance
must not be placed on it. Arculanus suggests a substitute method by
which latent polyps or occult polyps as he calls them may be removed.
There is scarcely an important disease for which Arculanus has not some
interesting suggestions, and the more one reads of him the more is one
surprised to find how many things that we might think of as coming into
the purview of medicine long after his time or at least as having been
neglected from the time of the Greeks almost down to our own time are
here treated explicitly, definitely, and with excellent practical
suggestions. He has a good deal to say with regard to the treatment of
angina, which he calls synanche, or synanchia, or cynanche, or angina.
Parasynanche is a synonymous term, but refers to a milder synanche. He
distinguished four forms of it. In one called canine angina, because the
patient's tongue hangs out of his mouth, somewhat the same as from an
overheated dog in the summer time, while at the same time the mouth is
held open and he draws his breath pantingly, Arculanus suggests an
unfavorable prognosis, and would seem to refer to those cases of
Ludwig's angina in which there is involvement of the tongue and in which
our prognosis continues to be of the very worst even to our own day. At
times the angina causes such swelling in the throat that the breathing
is interfered with completely. For this Arculanus' master, Rhazes,
advised tracheotomy. Arculanus himself, however, apparently hesitated
about that.
It is not surprising, then, to find that Arculanus is very explicit in
his treatment of affections of the uvula. He divides its affections into
apostema, ulcus, putredo sive corrosio, et casus. Apostema was
abscess, ulcus any rather deep erosion, putredo a gangrenous
condition, and casus the fall of the uvula. This is the notorious
falling of the soft palate which has always been in popular medical
literature at least. Arculanus describes it as a preternatural
elongation of the uvula which sometimes goes to such an extent as to
make it resemble the tail of a mouse. For shorter elongations he
suggests the cautery; for longer, excision followed by the cautery so
that the greater portion of the extending part may be cut off. If people
fear the knife he suggests following Rhazes, the application of an
astringent powder directly to the part by blowing through a tube. His
directions for the removal of the uvula are very definite. Seat the
patient upon a stool in a bright light while an assistant holds the
head; after the tongue has been firmly depressed by means of a speculum
let the assistant hold this speculum in place. With the left hand then
insert an instrument, a stilus, by which the uvula is pulled forward,
and then remove the end of it by means of a heated knife or some other
process of cauterization. The mouth should afterwards be washed out with
fresh milk.
The application of a cauterizing solution by means of a cotton swab
wrapped round the end of a sound may be of service in patients who
refuse the actual cautery. To be successful the application must be
firmly made and must be frequently repeated.
After this it is not surprising to find that Arculanus has very
practical chapters on all the other ordinary surgical affections.
Empyema is treated very thoroughly, liver abscess, ascites, which he
warns must be emptied slowly, ileus especially when it reaches
stercoraceous vomiting, and the various difficulties of urination, he
divides them into dysuria, ischuria, and stranguria, are all discussed
in quite modern fashion. He gives seven causes for difficulty of
urination. One, some injury of the bladder; two, some lesion of the
urethra; three, some pathological condition in the power to make the
bladder contract; four, some injury of the muscle of the neck of the
bladder; five, some pathological condition of the urine; six, some
kidney trouble, and seven, some pathological condition of the general
system. He takes up each one of these and discusses the various phases,
causes, disposition, and predispositions that bring them about. One
thing these men of the Middle Ages could do, they reasoned logically,
they ordered what they had to say well, and they wrote it out
That Arculanus' work with regard to dentistry was no mere chance and not
solely theoretic can be understood very well from his predecessors, and
that it formed a link in a continuous tradition which was well preserved
we may judge from what is to be found in the writings of his great
successor, Giovanni or John de Vigo, who is considered one of the great
surgeons of the early Renaissance, and to whom we owe what is probably
the earliest treatise on Gun-shot Wounds. John of Vigo was a Papal
physician and surgeon, generally considered one of the most
distinguished members of the medical profession of his time. Two
features of his writing on dental diseases deserve mention. He insists
that abscesses of the gums shall be treated as other abscesses by being
encouraged to come to maturity and then being opened. If they do not
close promptly, an irritant Egyptian ointment containing verdigris and
alum among other things should be applied to them. In the cure of old
fistulous tracts near the teeth he employs not only this Egyptian
ointment but also arsenic and corrosive sublimate. What he has to say
with regard to the filling of the teeth is, however, most important. He
says it with extreme brevity, but with the manner of a man thoroughly
accustomed to doing it. By means of a drill or file the putrefied or
corroded part of the tooth should be completely removed. The cavity left
should then be filled with gold leaf. It is evident that the members of
the Papal court, the Cardinals and the Pope himself, had the advantage
of rather good dentistry at John de Vigo's hands even as early as the
beginning of the sixteenth century.
John de Vigo, however, is not medieval. He lived on into the sixteenth
century and was influenced deeply by the Renaissance. He counts among
the makers of modern medicine and surgery, as his authorship of the
treatise on gun-shot wounds makes clear. He comes in a period that will
be treated of in a later volume of this series on Our Forefathers in