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Categories: Diseases of The Eye and Ear

Definition. This is an acute
inflammation of the mucous membranes under the eyelids, and there is

congestion (too much blood), swelling and a discharge of mucus and pus.

Causes. Exposure to wind, dust, smoke, or irritating foreign substance,

cinder, sand, etc. It may occur in epidemic form and then is contagious

and is called "pink eye."

Symptoms. The lids appear stiff to the patient, the light cau

discomfort and the patient fears it. Burning feeling as if there was some

dirt, etc., under the lid, not much pain, but discomfort especially in the

evening. The lids look swollen and red. The conjunctiva on the cornea is

reddened and that on the lid is thickened, reddened and rough. The

discharge collects at the roots of the lashes or lies on the conjunctiva.

The lids are stuck together in the morning. The sight is slightly affected

by the discharge on the cornea, which is otherwise clear. Sometimes little

(minute) ulcerations are seen.

Course. It may run into a chronic conjunctivitis. One eye is usually

attacked a few days before the other. The first stage lasts a few hours or

a day and then the discharge follows which may last a few days or a week

or more.

Treatment. First: Use gauze or cotton and dip in ice or cold water and

apply to the eyelids. A wash of hot water can be used to cleanse the eye

or ten to sixty grains (one teaspoonful) of boric acid to an ounce of

water can be used as a wash also.

The following remedies are good in combination as follows:

Alum 3 grains

Sulphate of Zinc 2 grains

Distilled Water 1 ounce

Mix and drop one drop into the eye two or three times daily. A weak

solution of tea can be used also as a wash. Anoint the lids at night with

white (tube) vaselin.

