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Anaemia, or Anemia

Categories: Diseases of The Blood And Ductless Galnds

This may be defined as a reduction of the amount of
blood as a whole or of its corpuscles, or of certain of its more important

constituents, such as albumin and haemoglobin. Primary or essential anemia

includes chlorosis and pernicious anemia; secondary anemia results from

hemorrhages, poor nourishment or intoxications, poisons. Chlorosis, a

primary anemia chiefly of young girls, characterized by marked relative

decrease of h

Causes. It usually occurs in blondes of from twelve to twenty years of

age and most often from fourteen to seventeen years of age, when the

menstrual function is being established and during which time they are

rushed with their school work. There may be a family history of chlorosis

or tuberculosis. Poor food, hard, unhealthy work, confinement in close

unventilated rooms are other causes.

Symptoms. Rounded fleshy appearance may continue. There is some

difficulty of breathing, palpitation of the heart on slight exertion, from

a fright or from excitement, tendency to faint feeling or even fainting,

headache, a tired feeling, hard to stir or do anything, irritable temper,

poor or changeable appetite, the digestion is disturbed, there is

constipation, coldness of the hands and feet, difficult menstruation,

irregular menstruation, leucorrhea, amenorrhea, and sometimes there is a

slight fever. The color is often of a yellowish-green tinge, and this is

more noticeable in the brunette type, though the cheeks may be flushed;

the whites of the eyes bluish white in color. The heart sounds are not

right. The blood is pale in color. The red cells are diminished, but

usually are not below eighty per cent of the normal; the haemoglobin is

greatly reduced, sometimes to thirty-five or forty per cent. The age,

greenish tint of pallor, bluish whites of the eyes, poor nutrition, etc.,

aid in making the diagnosis.


Treatment. Fresh air, good food, care of the bowels and rest if the

symptoms are severe. When it is not so severe, plenty of outdoor exercise

is necessary and beneficial. That takes them away from their cramped

sedentary life and gives the sunshine, good pure air, and change of the

scene. Horseback riding is a very good form of exercise, but it should be

slow riding. "Tending" the horse is also good, and sleeping in the open

air is excellent. Automobile riding is too straining and should not be

indulged in.

1. Blaud's pills are very much used. The formula follows:

Dried Sulphate of Iron 2 drams

Carbonate of Potash 2 drams

Syrup Sufficient

Mix thoroughly, and make forty-eight pills. Take one to three pills, three

times a day after meals.

2. Fowler's solution of arsenic is also very good remedy; three to four

drops three times a day. It must be watched for bad symptoms and should

only be taken under a physician's supervision.

Diet. This should be good and varied to suit the special taste, and as

the stomach and bowels are usually disordered such food should be chosen

as will best agree. Diet plays a very important part.

