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Give Podophyllum 3X dil. one drop every three hours.
Benne (sesame)
Tropical Asian plant (Sesamum indicum) bearing small flat seeds used as food and as a source of oil. ...
Balsamic resin obtained from certain tropical Asian trees of the genus Styrax and used in perfumery and medicine. Also called benjamin, gum benjamin, gum benzoin. A white or yellowish crystalline compound, C14 H12 O2, derived from benzaldehyde...
Bitter-tasting yellow alkaloid, C20H19NO5, from several plants such as goldenseal. Used medically as an antipyretic and antibacterial agent. ...
Small tree (Citrus aurantium subsp. bergamia) grown in southern Italy for its sour citrus fruits. The rinds yield an aromatic oil (bergamot oil) used in perfume. ...
Deficiency of thiamine, endemic in eastern and southern Asia and characterized by neurological symptoms, cardiovascular abnormalities, and edema. ...
Beri-beri is a disease rarely occurring in the United States. It is usually found in the warmer climates and peculiar to certain regions such as India, and Japan. It is characterized by paralysis and fatal effusion, also neuritis, which is an inflamm...
Ancient Norse warriors legendary for working themselves into a frenzy before a battle and fighting with reckless savagery and insane fury. ...
BIG-JAW OR LUMP-JAW. (Actinomycosis)
This is an infectious disease of cattle, less frequently of man, and it is caused by what is called the "ray fungus." This grows in the tissues and develops a mass with a secondary chronic inflammation. This disease is widespread among cattle, and al...
Collection of trinkets or jewelry; decorations. ...
Relating to bile. Excess secretion of bile. Gastric distress caused by a disorder of the liver or gallbladder. Resembling bile, especially in color: a bilious green. Peevish disposition; ill-humored. ...
In children brought on by teething, cold or anger give one drop of Chamomilla 1X dil. every three hours. Chelidonium 3X dil. Is good for chronic liver disease, when there is a thick yellow coating on the tongue, pains, aching under right shoulder bla...
Give Podophyllum 3X dil. one drop every three hours. ...
This is so-called because the bilious symptoms are the most prominent. It may be caused by violent anger, disputes, excessive eating causing congestion of the liver; abuse of spirits; some persons are of a bilious constitution and the least error in die...
This condition presents different symptoms in different cases, but it always includes languor, headache or dizziness, perhaps some yellow color of the skin and conjunctiva, and a general sense of want of tone, depression of spirits and discomfort. Ca...
With vomiting of bile and mucus use Nux Vomica 3X trit. (tablet form) one every three hours, also from stimulants and over feeding. Sulphur 6X trit. (tablet form) when associated with piles. One tablet night and morning. Mercurius 3X trit. (tablet...
Eurasian perennial herb (Polygonum bistorta) with cylindrical spikes of pink flowers and a rhizome used as an astringent in folk medicine. ...
Bites from Insects, Simple Remedies for
"Tolerably strong solution carbolic acid and water. An onion cut in two and rubbed on will also do." Carbolic acid is an antiseptic; onion is soothing and helps to draw out poison by acting as a poultice. ...
BLACK-HEADS. Flesh Worms, Comedones, Pimples, etc
This is a disorder of the sebaceous glands in which the sebaceous (fatty, cheesy) secretions become thickened; the excreting ducts, appearing on the surface, as yellowish or blackish points. They appear chiefly on the face, neck, chest, and back and ar...
The most frequent inquiry in the "beauty pages" of the papers is what to do for blackheads. In the first place, don't allow yourself to get them. Keep your face clean. A blackhead is simply a pore that is filled with oil and dirt. Sometimes they are as ...
This is sometimes irritable in the later months, causing a frequent desire to pass urine. It sometimes occurs in the second or third week and is sometimes followed, later, by an inability to retain the urine which escapes at any time. This, however, is ...
Blazing Star, And Unicorn Root )
Bitter American herb of the Bloodwort family, with small yellow or white flowers in a long spike (Aletris farinosa and A. aurea). algid Cold; chilly. ...
Bleeding After Delivery, Post-Partum Hemorrhage
Bleeding from the womb occurring six hours after delivery is called post partum and after that time, is known as puerperal child-birth bleeding or hemorrhage. Causes. A relaxed condition of the womb, the retention of clots or parts of the membranes, ...