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Belladonna 2X dil. Hepar sulph 3X tablets.
BOIL. (Furunculus, Furuncle). Causes
This is an acute or chronic skin disease in which there are blisters of various sizes and shapes, and these usually occur in crops. Symptoms. The disease may attack any part of the body. The blisters range from the size of a pea to a large egg. They ...
Blisters from Burns or Scalds, White of Egg for
"Apply immediately the white of an egg. Keep the part from being exposed as much as possible to the air." White of egg is soothing and forms a coating while blistered part is healing, also protects it from air. ...
Potassii Iodidi 1/2 ounce Fluid Extract Senna 1/2 ounce Fluid Extract Cascara Sagrada 1/2 ounce Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla 1/2 ounce Fluid Extract Stillingia 1/2 ounce Simple syrup ...
BLOOD IN THE URINE. (Haematuria). Causes
The congestion of the kidneys, pernicious malaria, etc., nephritis, tuberculosis, kidney stones. The urine looks smoky and dark, or bright red. Treatment. This depends upon the cause. The patient must rest in bed and the kidneys should not be stimula...
Blue Flag
Several irises with blue or blue-violet flowers, especially Iris versicolor of eastern North America. ...
Blue Stone (blue Vitriol, Blue Copperas, Chalcanthite)
Hydrated blue crystalline form of copper sulfate. ...
BLUE STONE. Symptoms
Vomiting and purging, taste of metal, severe pains, dizziness and headache and sometimes insensibility. Treatment. Emetics such as mustard water, warm salt water, goose grease, vaselin, etc. Then white of eggs, followed by milk and soothing drinks, f...
Vomiting and purging, taste of metal, severe pains, dizziness and headache and sometimes insensibility. Antidote. Jeaunel's antidote. Treatment. Emetics such as mustard water, warm salt water, goose grease, vaselin, etc., then white of eggs, fol...
Machine-woven net fabric with hexagonal meshes. boil Painful, circumscribed pus-filled inflammation of the skin and subcutaneous tissue usually caused by a local staphylococcal infection. Also called furuncle. ...
Body Louse or Clothes Louse (Pediculus Corporis)
This parasite lives in the clothes. It is apt to be found in the folds or seams, especially where the clothes come in close contact with the skin, as about the neck, shoulders and waist. This creature visits the body for its meal. They may produce diff...
BOIL. (Furunculus, Furuncle). Causes
Boils may appear in a healthy person, but they are often the result of a low condition of the system; they are frequently seen in persons suffering from sugar diabetes. MOTHERS' REMEDIES. 1. Boil, My Mother's Poultice for. "Poppy leaves pounded up an...
Belladonna 2X dil. Hepar sulph 3X tablets. ...
Long narrow pillow or cushion. ...
Fine twilled fabric of silk and worsted or cotton, often dyed black for mourning clothes. ...
Boracic Acid (boric Acid)
Water-soluble white or colorless crystalline compound, H3BO3, used as an antiseptic and preservative. ...
BORAX (Sodium Borate)
This drug as it appears in commerce of America is derived entirely from natural deposits found on the shores of lakes of California and Nevada. This is purified. Action. It is antiseptic in its action. It renders the urine alkaline. Gargle. It is u...
Flower or small bunch of flowers worn in a buttonhole. ...
BOW LEGS. (Genu Varum)
This is the opposite of knock knees, and the deformity usually affects both limbs, the knees being widely separated. The disease begins in early childhood; the cause is rickets, and the deformity is the direct result of the weight of the body and muscul...
BOWEL FALLING (Prolapsus ani)
Tincture Cina is good when caused by worms, one-tenth to one drop of the tincture every two hours. Mercurius 3X trit. (tablet form) when caused by dysentery or loose bowels. Mercurius Corr. 3X trit. (tablet form) when caused by dysentery. Last two ...
Aconite 2X dil. at beginning. Belladonna 3X dil. This follows well after Aconite. Chamomilla 2X. Good in teething children. ...
Changes in the breasts also constitute a sign of pregnancy. As an early symptom, there may be a feeling of fullness, sometimes pain. They become larger and firmer from the development of the individual lobules, which have an irregular knotty feel. A fat...
Albumin and casts in the urine. The onset is usually gradual. There is paleness and puffiness of the eyelids, ankles or hands in the morning. Later increased dropsy of face and the extremities, pasty yellow complexion, dyspepsia, constipation and heart ...