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Forgotten Remedies
Diseases of The Eye and Ear
This is an opacity of the crystalline lens or its capsule. The
lens is not clear and bright and keeps the light from going through it.
Then it is called opaque.
Care of Medicine in the Sick Room
Use a clean tumbler and when not using cover the tumbler with a small saucer or piece of cardboard. Set it in a cool place and where it is free from odors, as liquid medicines exposed are likely to take up such impurities. DIRECTIONS FOR USING HOM...
Care of the Breasts
Careful attention should be given them from the first. The nipples should be bathed after labor, with an antiseptic lotion (bichloride, 1-2000), dried and then covered with castor oil, a small square of clean sterile gauze being laid over each to prot...
The hair is kept in order by frequent brushings, which excite the natural oil by which it is fed, and by washing it. Dr. Leonard, an authority on the hair, says once a month is as often as the hair needs washing. As a shampoo, he advises yolk of egg, we...
It is a luxury to have one's nails done by a manicure, and if one can not afford this, always, it is profitable to have it done a few times and carefully observe the process, because the nails are a very important part of the care of the hands. Finge...
Inducing the expulsion of gas from the stomach and intestines. ...
For headache, torpid liver, constipation, and the complexion take one pill every night. As a purgative take four to eight. Weight of twelve pills about seven and one-half grains of which probably two to two and one-half grains is sugar coating. They...
Cascara (see Rhamnus Purshiana)
A buckthorn native to northwest North America; the bark yields cascara sagrada. ...
Tropical or subtropical trees, shrubs, or herbs of the genus Cassia in the pea family, having yellow flowers, and long, flat or cylindrical pods. Tropical Asian evergreen tree (Cinnamomum cassia) having aromatic bark used as a substitute for c...
Castile Soap
Fine, hard, white, odorless soap made of olive oil and sodium hydroxide. ...
Castor Oil
Colorless or pale yellowish oil extracted from the seeds of the castor-oil plant, used as a laxative and skin softener. ...
CASTOR OIL (Oleum Ricini)
This is derived from the beans of Ricinis Communis, a plant in the United States. Action. It is bland and unirritating in its action as a purge and generally acts in four to five hours. Uses. It is used whenever irritant materials such as bad food,...
Senna 4 drams Manna 1 ounce Rochelle Salts 1 ounce Fennel Seed 1-1/2 drams Sugar 8 ounces Oil of Wintergreen sufficient Boiling Water, enough to make 8 ...
This is an opacity of the crystalline lens or its capsule. The lens is not clear and bright and keeps the light from going through it. Then it is called opaque. ...
Inflammation of mucous membranes, especially in the nose and throat. ...
Eucalyptol 4 drops Terebene 8 drops Menthol 4 grains Cosmaline to make. 1 ounce Mix. Good. This ointment will cure any ordinary catarrhal trouble of the nasal cavities unless too far advanc...
Catarrh, Borax and Camphor for
"Inhale three times daily equal parts of borax, camphor and salt." These ingredients should be powdered very finely and a pinch of the powder snuffed carefully several times a day. This is a very simple but effective remedy. ...
Catarrh, Burnt Alum for
"Burn alum and power finely or buy prepared burnt alum at the drug store and use as a snuff eight or ten times daily. Ten cents' worth will last a long time. My mother used this remedy and believes that she has cured her catarrh entirely with it." Alum ...
Sulphur 6X trit. (tablet form). Use tablets; take about four times a day. Kali Bich 3X trit. (tablet form) thick crusts from ulcers in the nostrils, one tablet four times a day. LARYNGITIS, (Inflammation of the Larynx).-Aconite 2X dil. In first...
Catarrh, Pure Lard for
"Take a bit of pure lard size of a pea and draw it up each nostril every evening. It will require about a year of constant use." The grease helps to keep the affected parts moist and relieves any congestion present. Anyone suffering with this disease sh...
CATARRH. (Chronic Inflammation of the Nose, Chronic Rhinitis). Causes
Frequent attacks of colds, irritating gases and dust, adenoids, enlarged tonsils, spurs on the septum (partition bone) or foreign bodies in the nose, like corn, beans, stone, etc. Symptoms and Course. There are alterations of the secretions: the amo...
CATARRHAL JAUNDICE. (Acute catarrhal angiocholitis)
Jaundice caused by obstruction of the terminal portion of the common duct, by swelling of the mucous membrane. Causes. This occurs mostly in young people. It follows inflammation of the stomach or bowels, also from emotion, exposure, chronic heart di...
Catechu (cutch, Acacia Catechu, Betel Palm)
Spiny Asian tree with yellow flowers, and dark heartwood. A raw material obtained from the heartwood of this plant, used in the preparation of tannins and brown dyes. ...
Fluid Extract Rhamnus Purshiana 1 ounce Syrup Rhubarb 1 ounce Simple Syrup 2 ounces Mix. Dose: Teaspoonful four times a day. Is a sure cure for constipation and the very best cathartic and l...
Near the tail or hind parts; posterior. Similar to a tail in form or function. ...