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Caustic Potash (potassium Hydroxide)
Caustic white solid, KOH, used as a bleach and in the manufacture of
soaps, dyes, alkaline batteries.
Causes of Insanity
Inflammation of mucous membranes, especially in the nose and throat. ...
Eucalyptol 4 drops Terebene 8 drops Menthol 4 grains Cosmaline to make. 1 ounce Mix. Good. This ointment will cure any ordinary catarrhal trouble of the nasal cavities unless too far advanc...
Catarrh, Borax and Camphor for
"Inhale three times daily equal parts of borax, camphor and salt." These ingredients should be powdered very finely and a pinch of the powder snuffed carefully several times a day. This is a very simple but effective remedy. ...
Catarrh, Burnt Alum for
"Burn alum and power finely or buy prepared burnt alum at the drug store and use as a snuff eight or ten times daily. Ten cents' worth will last a long time. My mother used this remedy and believes that she has cured her catarrh entirely with it." Alum ...
Sulphur 6X trit. (tablet form). Use tablets; take about four times a day. Kali Bich 3X trit. (tablet form) thick crusts from ulcers in the nostrils, one tablet four times a day. LARYNGITIS, (Inflammation of the Larynx).-Aconite 2X dil. In first...
Catarrh, Pure Lard for
"Take a bit of pure lard size of a pea and draw it up each nostril every evening. It will require about a year of constant use." The grease helps to keep the affected parts moist and relieves any congestion present. Anyone suffering with this disease sh...
CATARRH. (Chronic Inflammation of the Nose, Chronic Rhinitis). Causes
Frequent attacks of colds, irritating gases and dust, adenoids, enlarged tonsils, spurs on the septum (partition bone) or foreign bodies in the nose, like corn, beans, stone, etc. Symptoms and Course. There are alterations of the secretions: the amo...
CATARRHAL JAUNDICE. (Acute catarrhal angiocholitis)
Jaundice caused by obstruction of the terminal portion of the common duct, by swelling of the mucous membrane. Causes. This occurs mostly in young people. It follows inflammation of the stomach or bowels, also from emotion, exposure, chronic heart di...
Catechu (cutch, Acacia Catechu, Betel Palm)
Spiny Asian tree with yellow flowers, and dark heartwood. A raw material obtained from the heartwood of this plant, used in the preparation of tannins and brown dyes. ...
Fluid Extract Rhamnus Purshiana 1 ounce Syrup Rhubarb 1 ounce Simple Syrup 2 ounces Mix. Dose: Teaspoonful four times a day. Is a sure cure for constipation and the very best cathartic and l...
Near the tail or hind parts; posterior. Similar to a tail in form or function. ...
Causes of Insanity
There are many and various causes. One author states: "Mental abnormality is always due to either imperfect or eccentric physical development, or to the effects of inborn or acquired physical disease, or to injurious impressions, either ante-natal or po...
Caustic Potash (potassium Hydroxide)
Caustic white solid, KOH, used as a bleach and in the manufacture of soaps, dyes, alkaline batteries. ...
Hard, unctuous, fat or wax-based solid, sometimes medicated, formerly applied to the skin directly or on dressings. ...
CEREBRAL ANEMIA. (Too little blood in the brain). Causes
Heart disease, general anemia, and mental excitement. Symptoms. "Fainting spells," dizziness, the ears ring and there are spots before the eyes; nausea and vomiting may go ahead of the fainting spells. The face is pale, the pupils are dilated, the pu...
This is an acute infectious disease. It comes in epidemics, when there are many cases, or appears here and there as a separate case (sporadic). It is caused by a specific organism (germ) and the disease attacks the membranes of the brain and spinal cord...
This is common in children that are not well nourished, living in badly ventilated and crowded houses, and in the negroes. Chronic catarrh of the nose and throat and tonsilitis predispose to it. The glands under the lower jaw are usually the first invo...
Tincture Capsici 2-1/2 ounces Tincture Camphor 2 ounces Tincture Guaicum 1-1/2 ounces Mix. The above amount would cost about 50 cents. ...
Fine lightweight fabric woven with white threads across a colored warp. ...
Space around the altar of a church for the clergy and sometimes the choir, often enclosed by a lattice or railing. chary Cautious; wary; not giving or expending freely; sparing. ...
Many cases of "chaps" may be avoided by the simple precaution of wiping the face and hands perfectly dry. If the skin chaps easily keep at hand a bottle of glycerin and lemon juice mixed in about equal proportions, and after wiping rub a little on the h...
Chapped Hands, an Inexpensive Remedy for
"One-fourth ounce gum tragacanth, one-fourth ounce boracic acid, one ounce glycerin, one and one-half ounce alcohol, five cents' worth best white rose perfume. Soak gum in pint of rain water for thirty-six hours; let warm slowly until heated. Remove fr...
Characteristic paroxysm of the Major attacks
This may be ushered in by a localized sensation, known as the Aura, in some part of the body; but it may come without any warning and suddenly. The convulsions begin suddenly and at first are tonic, that is, it does not change but holds on. Thc patient...
CHEESE, Spoiled. Symptoms
Vomiting, cramps, diarrhea, weakness, cold hands and feet. Treatment. Emetics, such as warm water and salt until patient vomits freely; or mustard water, lard, vaselin, tickle throat with feather, etc. Enema to empty lower bowel; stimulants, such as ...