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Forgotten Remedies
Iron-deficiency anemia, primarily of young women, indicated by
greenish-yellow skin color.
CHLORAL. Symptoms
CHOKING. (Foreign bodies in the larynx)
Chicken Pox
Caused by the varicella-zoster virus; indicated by skin eruptions, slight fever, and malaise. Also called varicella. ...
Slight fever, chilly feelings. In twenty-four hours the eruption appears upon the body, face and forehead often only a few separate red pimples which soon become rounded vesicles; however, there may be few or many. ...
Aconite 2X dil. for fever stage. Rhus tox 6X trit. (tablet form). Tablet every three hours. ...
CHICKEN POX (Varicella)
This is an acute infectious disease, characterized by a peculiar eruption. Children are the ones usually attacked. It generally occurs before the tenth year. It is transmitted through the atmosphere. The period of coming on is usually fourteen days, bu...
Inflammation and itchy irritation of the hands, feet, or ears, caused by moist cold. ...
People who have, or do not want chilblains should avoid woolen stockings. Neither should they "toast their toes" at the fire, wear bed-socks, or take a hot water-bottle to bed with them. Warm the feet by exercise, or vigorous rubbing. If very painful, t...
CHILBLAINS. (Erythema Pernio)
This occurs usually in people with a feeble circulation or scrofulous constitution, usually seen in the young or very old. The redness shows most, as a rule, on the hands and feet. The redness may be either a light or dusky shade. It itches and burns e...
Child birth
Pelvic diseases frequently come from injuries received during labor. ...
On no account let a child's second teeth come in crowded, irregular or projecting. A good dentist can remedy all these malformations and though it may be troublesome at the time, the child, when grown, will blame you for not having relieved him of them....
After a slight primary exhilaration there is depression of the mind and body; skin eruptions, bad breath, spongy gums, poor appetite, indigestion, bad nutrition, permanent dilation of the cutaneous (skin) blood vessels, intermittent pulse, blunting of t...
Chloral Hydrate
Colorless crystalline compound, CCl3CH(OH)2, used as a sedative and hypnotic. ...
CHLORAL. Symptoms
Deep sleep, livid look, pulse weak, breathing slow, pupils contracted during sleep, but dilated when awake, temperature low. Antidotes. Permanganate of potash, four to five grains every half hour. Treatment. Emetics at first, if seen early, such as ...
Iron-deficiency anemia, primarily of young women, indicated by greenish-yellow skin color. ...
CHOKING. (Foreign bodies in the larynx)
Produce vomiting. Give an emetic, warm water, melted lard, vaselin or one teaspoonful of mustard in one-half glass of warm water and drink. Tickle the throat with your finger or a feather. For a child, sometimes by taking hold of the feet with the head...
Aconite first stage. Tincture Camphor in drop doses second stage every fifteen minutesFollow with Arsenicum, Veratrum alb. Carbo veg. 3X trit. (tablet form) third stage. ...
Cholera Infantum
Acute non-contagious intestinal disturbance of infants formerly common in congested areas with high humidity and temperature. ...
Cholera Infantum, Chickweed For
"Chickweed boiled and sweetened in milk. This cured my daughter when an infant. This recipe has been used by me and my mother and proved effectual." The above remedy is an inexpensive one and easily prepared. It will be found excellent for this trouble....
Usually begins with a diarrhea, which is often so mild as to attract but little attention, but should be a warning. If a weakly baby has a diarrhea which persists, or is foul smelling and especially if there is a marked loss of flesh and dullness of min...
Cholera Morbus
Acute gastroenteritis occurring in summer and autumn exhibiting severe cramps, diarrhea, and vomiting. No longer in scientific use. ...
The onset is usually sudden with nausea, vomiting, and cramp-like bowel pains; vomits at first the stomach contents. Purging follows; vomiting and purging with severe cramps in abdomen and legs. ...
Arsenicum alb. 3X trit. (tablet form). One to two tablets on tongue every fifteen minutes until better, when there is watery burning vomiting, with terrible thirst, great prostration. Veratrum alb. 2X dil. in water, etc. When there is vomiting with gr...
CHOLERA MORBUS (Acute Inflammation of Stomach and Upper Bowel)
This is most common in young people in late summer, after indiscretion in eating. Symptoms. Sometimes the patient feels tired, then nausea, etc. The attack though is usually sudden, with nausea, vomiting, and cramp-like pains in the abdomen. The cont...
Nervous disorders marked by involuntary, jerky movements, especially of the arms, legs, and face. ...
Follows scarlet fever also, especially in girls from twelve to fifteen years. Diagnosis. In most cases it is easy to distinguish from other diseases. Dermatitis, inflammation of the skin ("Itis" always means inflammation). In dermatitis the throat sy...