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Categories: Deformities

There are many varieties. The treatment should be
begun, under the instructions of a physician, and continued from infancy

and many a good foot can be obtained.

KNOCK KNEE. (Genu Valgum). This is due to an overgrowth of the internal

knuckle (condyle) on the knee joint, and curving inward of the shaft of

the thigh-bone (femur) in its lower parts, with relaxation and lengthening

of the
igaments of the knee joint.

It usually shows itself soon after the child begins to walk, but may not

do so until puberty,--rarely later. It is due in the child to rickets; in

the latter form, it is caused by an occupation that requires continued

standing, by a person of feeble development of the muscles and ligaments.

"Flat-foot" is often associated with it and, at times, may be the real

cause. It may affect one or both knees, may be so slight as to escape

detection, except upon a very careful examination, or so severe as to

separate the feet very widely and render walking difficult and wobbling.

In children other symptoms of rickets can generally be found. If not

severe it may often get better spontaneously as the rickets condition

improves and the general strength increases. This result is common in the

cases occurring later, from standing if the general condition improves.

Treatment. Should be begun early and both general and local treatment

should be given. The quicker the treatment is begun, the quicker will be

the recovery and the deformity will be less. The ordinary medical and

hygienic treatment should be given for rickets.

Local Treatment. This is mechanical, supplemented by baths, rubbing,

friction, electricity and preceded, if necessary, by attending to the

bones. If the rickets is still active, and the bones are soft and

yielding, standing and walking should be forbidden, the limb should be

straightened by manipulation and the correct position secured and

maintained by an outside splint and bandage. Sometimes operative measures

are needed.

