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Categories: Accidents, Emergencies and Poisons

They are named cut (incised); contused, such as made by a
blunt instrument.

Lacerated or torn, when the tissues are torn or ragged.

Punctured, stab-wounds, when made by a pointed instrument.

Treatment. There may be pain, gaping (opening) of the edges and bleeding.

In order to gape, the cut must pass through the deep skin. Cuts or wounds

that do not go deep leave little or no scar. Suc
require only a little

antiseptic dressing like this remedy:

"Boric Acid 1/2 ounce.

Boiled Water 1 pint."

Wash the cut thoroughly and cover with gauze or clean linen. Cuts or

wounds should always be washed first with boiled water, cooled enough to

use. Do this with absolutely clean muslin, absorbent cotton or gauze and

boiled water. After being thoroughly cleansed and washed with hot water

and cloths, a thick pad of muslin, absorbent cotton or gauze thoroughly

soaked with the boric acid solution, (strength one-half ounce of boric

acid to a pint of boiled water) should be applied on the wound, and for an

inch or two around it. Over this lay a thick layer of absorbent cotton or

muslin, bandage all securely with a bandage or adhesive strap, so the

dressing cannot slip.

Gaping Wounds generally need stitches. These should be put in deep enough

to draw the deep edges together. If that is not done, a pocket will be

left where the parts are not together and "matter" may form there. Plaster

will not draw the deeper parts of wounds together. They should then be

covered the same way as superficial wounds; of course the wound should be

thoroughly cleansed in the same way before the stitches are put in. Such

wounds unless they are large, need not be dressed for a day or two, unless

there is soreness or pain. If the wound is sore and throbs it should be

redressed immediately. Some discharge will no doubt he found penned in,

and needs a drain through which to escape. This does not usually happen,

and if it does, the wound was infected (poisoned) and then needs dressing

once or twice a day, and full vent given to any discharge that may be

present. The dressing immediately over the wound should then be thick and

soft so as to absorb the discharge that may be present. The stitches are

usually removed in small wounds the third or fourth day. This is easily

done, with a sharp pointed scissors or knife; put one point underneath the

stitch next to the knot, cut it off and with the forceps take hold of the

knot and pull it out gently. It comes away easily as a rule.

Torn Wounds should be trimmed. That is, cut away the torn pieces and then

stitch together as for other wounds. Of course all the tissue possible

should be saved and only ragged flesh should be cut away. This would die

anyway, and prove a foreign body, and would be very apt to cause pus.

These wounds should be dressed the same way as previously directed.

Sometimes bleeding may cause trouble. Usually, hot water constantly

applied will stop it. Pressing above the part will often stop bleeding. If

an artery is cut it will spurt red blood. The artery should be tied and

pressure made upon the limb above the cut toward the body; or tying the

limb tight. If a finger or toe is cut and bleeds much, press on each side.

The arteries are there. Put the limb high and the head low. Bandaging a

limb tight, beginning at the end, often stops bleeding. Stimulants' are

sometimes necessary for a time.

