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Defective Worm-like Bowel Movement

Categories: Digestive Organs

Irregular habits of living head the
list causing this defective action. Everyone should promptly attend to

Nature's call. Some people wait until the desire for stool has all gone,

and in that way the "habit" of the bowels is gradually lost. Everyone

should go to stool at a certain regular time each day, and at any other

time when Nature calls. If a person heeds this call of Nature, the call

will come regularly at the proper t
me, say every morning after breakfast.

If these sensations (Nature's calls) are ignored day after day, the mucous

membrane soon loses its sensitiveness and the muscular coat its tonicity,

and as a result, large quantities of fecal matter may accumulate in the

sigmoid (part of the bowel) or in the rectum without exciting the least

desire to empty the bowels. Again, irregular time for eating and improper

diet are liable to diminish this action also. Foods that contain very

little liquid and those that do not leave much residue are liable to

accumulate in the bowel and at the same time press upon the rectum hard

enough to produce a partial paralysis.

