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Diet in Laryngitis

Categories: Respiratory Diseases

Hard and dry toasts should be avoided, for they give
pain on being swallowed, same reason applies to highly seasoned foods.

Milk, custards, eggs, scraped beef may be taken. Difficulty in swallowing

may be overcome by allowing the patient to lie flat on the bed, etc., with

his face over the edge. Food can be sucked through the tube from a vessel

placed below; or the patient can lean forward while eating.

OWING" (Spasm of the Glottis.)--This is usually peculiar to


Cause. It is purely a nervous affection and it occurs between six months

and three years, and is most commonly seen in children with rickets.

Symptoms. It may come in the night or day; or when the child awakes. The

breathing is arrested, the child struggles for breath, the face is

flushed, and then with a sudden relaxation of the spasm, the air is drawn

into the lungs with a high pitched crowing sound. Convulsions may occur.

Death rarely occurs. There may be many attacks during the day.

