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Categories: Diseases of The Blood And Ductless Galnds

Inflammation of the thyroid gland,
(Thyroiditis),--Acute inflammation of the gland, simple or suppurative. It

may develop in a patient with goitre, or acute infectious diseases, or

from other parts, or from wounds. The gland is enlarged and soft and may

contain abscesses.

Symptoms. Pain, tenderness, and enlargement of the part or of all the

gland. Fever may be present even in cases without signs of pus forming

(suppuration). If there is great enlargement, there may be symptoms of

compression of vessel, nerves or the windpipe.

Treatment. If there is pus it must be carefully opened. The patient must

remain quiet in bed. Sometimes cold applications relieve. Do not use warm

applications. This disease is not frequent and the patient needs care and

watching more than medicine.

