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Disorders of Pregnancy

Categories: Obstetrics or Midwifery

Nausea and vomiting. The simple nausea and
vomiting of pregnancy needs no treatment. This kind generally disappears

by the third or fourth month, but it may persist in a mild form during the

greater part of pregnancy. Generally the regulation of the diet and

attention to the bowels are all that is necessary to be done for this

trouble. Foods should be chosen carefully and only such foods taken that

agree with the stomach and lessen the constipation. Sometimes taking a

light breakfast in bed saves the usual morning sickness. It is best then

to remain lying for some time after eating. When the condition is annoying

the following powder will give much relief: powder Ingluvin, oxalate of

cerium, of each five grains. Mix thoroughly and take one, every one or two

hours as needed. A physician should be consulted if this trouble is very


