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Eczema Squamosis. (Scaling)

Categories: Diseases of The Skin

This may follow any of the other varieties,
but usually follows the red and pimple (papule) variety. They are various

sized and shaped reddish patches, which are dry and more or less scaly.

Thickening is always present, also a tendency to cracking of the skin,

especially if it affects the joints. There are other varieties but these

are the most important.

RECOVERY. Eczema has a tendency to persist and rarely dis


Causes. Gout, diabetes, rheumatism, Bright's disease, dyspepsia,

constipation, nervous trouble, heat, cold, strong soaps, acids, alkalies,

rubbing, scratching, etc.

MOTHERS' REMEDIES. 1. Eczema, Lemon or Vinegar for. "Rub the spots with

sliced lemon. This will sometimes relieve the itching. Bathing with

vinegar water is better for some as it destroys the germs." The bowels

should be kept open, and then constitutional faults removed as the

eruption of the skin is but a local manifestation of a functional fault.

2. Eczema, Olive Oil and Powder for. "Bathe with olive oil and sift over

the skin a powder composed of equal parts of fine laundry starch and oxide

of zinc powder." Do not bathe with water until healed.

3. Eczema, Herb Tea for. "A good wash for eczema is made of an ounce of

bruised blood-root and yellow dock, steeped well in a pint of alcohol, and

half pint of vinegar." Apply gently to the affected parts.

4. Eczema, Potato and Camphor for. "Make a poultice of a cold potato with

a small quantity of camphor. This is very good and relieves the trouble

very soon."

5. Eczema, Sulphur and Lard for. "An excellent eczema cure is made by

applying a paste made of sulphur and lard to the affected parts." This is

very easily prepared, and has been known to cure many cases.

6. Skin Diseases, Burdock Tea a Standard Remedy for. "Take a handful of

the freshly bruised burdock root to two quarts of water and boil down

one-half; drink from a half to one pint a day." This is considered one of

the best home remedies for skin diseases that is known and is perfectly


7. Skin Disease, Blood Purifier for.

"Iodide Potash 192 grains

Fluid Extract Stillingia 1 ounce

Fluid Extract Prickly Ash Bark 1/2 ounce

Fluid Extract Yellow Dock 1 ounce

Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla to make 8 ounces


8. Tetter, Reliable Remedy for. "Turpentine 1 ounce, red precipitate 3

drams, vaselin 4 ounces. Mix, rub on the affected parts several times a

day." This is a splendid ointment for a severe case of tetter.

PHYSICIANS' TREATMENT for Eczema. Water is likely to make acute cases

worse. In order to cleanse the parts use water softened by starch or bran.

Use oily preparations to soften the crusts and then they can be removed

with water and good soap.

In Chronic Sluggish Cases. Water and strong soaps may be used. Cloths

wrung from hot water and applied, will frequently relieve the itching. Use

lotions in moist and salves in dry eczema. For the acute kind the remedy

should be soothing, and more or less stimulating for the chronic forms.

Local Treatment for the acute and sub-acute (between acute and chronic)


In acute cases, with much pouring out of liquid (serum), lotions have a

cooling effect. They should be frequently renewed.

1. Black Wash.

Calomel 1 dram

Mucilage Tragacanth 1 dram

Lime water 10 ounces

Mix. Can be used full strength or diluted. Bathe the affected parts

several times daily for fifteen or twenty minutes with this lotion and

apply oxide of zinc ointment afterwards.

2. Lead and Laudanum wash. When the parts discharge moisture with burning

feeling, and are very sensitive the following is good:

Laudanum 1/2 ounce

Solution of Sugar of lea 7-1/2 ounces

Mix and apply externally with gauze saturated with it.

3. A solution of boric acid is also a good remedy.

4. Apply the following soothing application frequently, allowing the

sediment to remain on the skin:

Powdered Calamine 1 dram

Oxide of Zinc 1 dram

Glycerin 1 dram

Lime water 6 ounces

5. Dusting powders. Corn, potato or rice starch powders. Mennen's baby

powder is also good. Borated kind is the best for this.

6. Oxide of Zinc ointment alone, applied night and morning, is valuable in

many cases.

The Black wash should be used twice a day just before the oxide of zinc

ointment is applied. In other cases powdered oxide of zinc is dusted over

the part if the discharge is watery or profuse.

7. McCall Anderson's Ointment.

Oxide of Bismuth 1 ounce

Pure Oleic Acid 8 ounces

White Wax 3 ounces

Vaselin 9 ounces

Oil of Rose 5 drops

Make an ointment and apply. The proportions of each ingredient call be

reduced one-half, for smaller amount.

8. Pastes are often borne better than ointment. The following is a good

one. Lassar's paste:

Starch 2 drams

Oxide of Zinc 2 drams

Vaselin 4 drams

Mix and make a paste, apply to the part and cover with soft gauze.

9. For the Itching.

Powdered Oxide of Zinc 1/2 ounce

Powdered Camphor 1-1/2 dram

Powdered Starch 1 ounce

Mix and dust on as needed.

When the disease is not so acute (sub-acute) applications of a mildly

stimulating character are needed. For this purpose, resorcinal in the

proportion of two to thirty grains to the ounce of lard, according to the

severity and amount of hardness existing. Apply to the part. Stimulant and


External Treatment of Chronic Eczema. Applications for chronic and

lasting sluggish eczema.

1. Tincture of green soap used with hot water until the skin is bared and

then dress with oxide of zinc ointment.

2. Tar in the form of the pure Official tar ointment.

3. Salicylic acid thirty to sixty grains to an ounce of lard and applied

for stimulating purposes.

4. Dr. Schalek uses the same remedies in part and the following for a

fixed dressing, especially on the eyes. They do not need to be changed


Glycogelatin Dressing.

Gelatin 10 drops

Oxide of Zinc 10 drops

Glycerin 40 drops

Water 40 drops

Mix and apply to the part.

The above may be made in any quantities,--using drops, spoonfuls, etc.

Dress the parts in a thin gauze bandage, over which the melted preparation

is painted. I have given many different prescriptions, but those who treat

skin diseases know that a great many are needed, for they act differently

upon different persons.

Special Varieties of Eczema and what to do for them.

Eczema of Children. This is generally acute of the vesicular (watery) or

vesicular pustular (pus forming) variety. The parts commonly affected are

the scalp and the face.

PHYSICIANS' TREATMENT for Eczema. Remove the causes, watch the feeding.

Keep the folds of the skin dry and free from friction. To prevent

scratching, masks must be applied to the scalp and face, or the hands must

be tied in bad cases. The local treatment is the same as above except the

strength of the drugs used must be reduced in proper proportion.

Eczema of the Scalp, Milk Crust. Remove the crusts by soaking the scalp

with some bland oil for twelve hours, followed by a shampoo, (the hair

should be cut in children) then the lotions and thin ointment (see above)

should be applied.

Eczema of the Face. A mask of soft linen with holes cut out for the eyes,

mouth and nostrils may be used.

Eczema of the Scrotum. A well fitting suspensory should be worn, sponge

the parts with very hot water and follow with the anti-itching lotion and

dusting powders for the itching.

Eczema of the Hands in Adults. Keep the hands out of water as much as

possible. Dry them thoroughly and then anoint. Greatly thickened patches

may be softened by soap plasters or bathe the parts in ten or twenty per

cent solutions of caustic potash and followed by a salve application. The

internal treatment must be given for the cause.

Diet in Eczema. Avoid salty foods, such as salted fish or pork and corned

beef; greasy foods such as bacon and fried dishes; pastry and cheese.

MOTHERS' REMEDIES for Salt Rheum. 1. Alum Wash and Cathartic for. "Use

an astringent wash as alum, tablespoonful in pint of water, and keep

bowels opened by cooling medicines, as cream tartar, rochelle salts,

etc." The alum solution will be found very cooling and by keeping the

bowels open you will carry off all the impurities thus cleansing the

blood, which is one of the essential things to do in salt rheum.

2. Salt Rheum, Ammonia and Camphor for. "Apply ammonia and camphor to the

cracks. Have used this successfully when everything else failed." Care

should be taken not to have the ammonia too strong, as it may irritate the

skin more. If used properly, it is a good remedy.

3. Salt Rheum, Cactus Leaf Cure for. "From one large cactus leaf take out

the thorns, add one tablespoon of salt, three tablespoons lard, stew out

slowly, and grease with this at night. Remarks:--This cured my hand that

had been in an awful condition for years."

4. Salt Rheum, Pine Tar for. "Apply pine tar as a paste." This is an

excellent remedy but care should be taken in using it, as pine tar is very

irritating to some people, and should be used very cautiously.

