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Categories: Accidents, Emergencies and Poisons

Place the patient on her back, with the head low and feet
raised unless the face is flushed. The face is generally pale.

Loosen the clothing about the waist, throat, etc.

Plenty of air and no crowding around the patient.


Cold water on the face with cloths. It is not necessary to wet her all

over. Ammonia or camphor near the nostrils
o inhale. Lie still for some

time and do not attempt to rise while still feeling dizzy or faint.

MOTHERS' REMEDIES. 1. Sea Sickness, Red Pepper and Molasses Relieves.

"A teaspoonful of red pepper mixed with molasses and taken in one dose is

considered one of the best remedies for this trouble."

2. Sea Sickness, Peppermint an Excellent Relief for. "A teaspoonful of

essence of peppermint put in a tumbler of hot water, sipped occasionally,

is both a preventive and cure for sea-sickness."

Sea Sickness. Dr. Hare, of Philadelphia, says: "The bromides should be

used in the dose of five to ten grains three times a day for several days

before the patient sails to quiet the vomiting center." After sea sickness

begins the following combination is good:

(a) Citric Acid 2 drams

Distilled Water 4 ounces

Make a solution.

(b) Bromide of Potash 1 dram

Bicarbonate of Potash 1 dram

Distilled Water 4 ounces

Make a solution.

Then a tablespoonful of each of these solutions should be added to one

another and taken during effervescence. Lemon juice can be used in place

of citric acid in the first combination.

