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FOOD POISONING. (Bromototoxismus)

Categories: Intoxicants and Sun Strokes

Food may contain the specific
organisms of disease, as of tuberculosis or trichinosis; milk and other

foods may become infected with typhoid bacilli, and so convey the disease.

Animals (or insects or bees) may feed on substances that cause their flesh

or products to be poisonous to man. Meat poisoning. Eating sausage or pork

pie or headcheese has caused poisoning. Poisoning from impure milk, shell

fish, pellagra, from using altered maize, etc.

Symptoms. Acute inflammation of stomach and bowels, with great

prostration, ending in collapse. In shell fish poisoning, there are

numbness, weakness, dilated pupils, rapid and feeble pulse, temperature

under the normal and collapse.

Treatment. In all cases empty the stomach by emetics or stomach tube and

the bowels by cathartics. Stimulate if necessary.

