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FOUL SWEATING. (Bromidrosis). Symptoms

Categories: Diseases of The Skin

The odor may be very
disagreeable, or resemble the odor of certain flavors or fruits. It is

generally found in the arm-pit and genital organs.

MOTHERS' REMEDIES. 1. Offensive Sweating, Alum Water for. "A wash made

with a teaspoonful of alum and a quart of water will prevent offensive

sweating. We all know how disagreeable it is to sit near a person in a

street car or any crowded place, who has an odor of perspir
tion about

them, How easy it would be to use this wash and rid yourself of this


2. Sweaty Feet, Borax and Alcohol for. "Dissolve a tablespoonful of

powdered borax in half a pint of diluted alcohol (half alcohol, half

water) and rub the feet at night, You will find this a splendid remedy."


3. Sweating, Simple Home Remedy to Produce. "Place a rubber sheet or

blanket under the patient. Have a simple blanket soaking in hot water and

when all is ready, wring blanket as dry as possible and wrap about the

patient up to the neck. After this a dry blanket is wrapped around the

patient. Care should be taken not to have the blanket hot enough to burn

the patient, but not too cool. After a few minutes the patient is taken

out, rubbed dry gently and left to rest and sleep." This treatment will be

found very beneficial and inexpensive.

PHYSICIANS' TREATMENT for Foul Sweating. Frequent bathing, dressing

powders of boric and salicylic acids, etc.

1. Salicylic Acid 1/2 ounce

Powdered Starch 1/2 ounce

Mix and dust on the parts.

2. Boric acid powdered may also be used.

3. Powdered Boric Acid and Salicylic Acid; Equal parts.

To be used as a dusting powder on the sweating parts.

3. One per cent solution of potassium permanganate or permanganate of

potash is good applied to the parts.

