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FRECKLES. (Lentigo)

Categories: Diseases of The Skin

Freckles are an excessive deposit of pigment in the

Causes. Exposure to the sun's rays aggravates this condition.

MOTHERS' REMEDIES for Freckles. 1. Freckles, Buttermilk for. "Buttermilk

on the face every night." This is a very simple remedy, and as buttermilk

is very easily obtained, anyone troubled with freckles can try this remedy

without very much expense. This simple remedy has been know
to cure many


2. Freckles, to Remove. "Nitrate of potash applied to the face night and

morning is very good, and the freckles will soon disappear."

3. Freckles, Alcohol and Lemon Juice for. "Use alcohol and lemon juice

freely at night." Lemon juice is very good for the skin if applied


4. Freckles, Excellent Lotion for.

"Rose Water 4 ounces

Alcohol 1/2 ounce

Hydrochloric Acid 1/2 dram

Mix and apply with sponge or cloth three times daily.

5. Freckles, Borax Water for. "Rain water eight ounces, borax one-half

ounce. Mix and dissolve; wash parts twice daily."

6. Freckles, Canadian Remedy for. "Glycerin, lemon juice, rosewater,

equal parts. Apply at night with a soft cloth,"

PHYSICIANS' TREATMENT for Freckles. They are apt to return on exposure to

the sun. The following ointment may be of service. Care should be taken

not to blister:

Ammoniated Mercury 1 dram

Subnitrate of Bismuth 1 dram

Glycerin Ointment 1 ounce

Mix and apply every other night.

