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Categories: Constitutional Diseases

A disorder of nutrition characterized by excess of uric
acid in the blood, attacks of acute arthritis (inflammation of joints)

with deposit of urate of sodium in and around the joints; with various

general symptoms.

Causes. Heredity; male sex, usually appears from thirty to fifty and

rarely under twenty; from continued use of alcoholic liquors, especially

fermented, with little or no exercise; too much meat. Unh
gienic living

with poor food, and excessive drinking of ale and beer may be followed by

the "poor man's gout." It is common in lead workers.

Symptoms. Acute Type. There is often a period of irritability,

restlessness, indigestion, twinges of pain in the hands and feet; the

urine is scanty, dark, very acid, with diminished uric acid and deposit

when it is cooled. The attack sets in usually early in the morning with

sudden intense pain in a joint of the big toe, generally the right; less

often in an ankle, knee, wrist, hand or finger. The part swells rapidly,

and is very tender, the overlying skin being red, glazed and hot. The

patient is usually as cross as a wounded bear. The fever may be 103. The

pain may subside during the day, and increase again at night. There is no

suppuration (pus forming). The symptoms usually decrease, gradually, the

entire attack may last from five to eight days. Scaling of the skin over

the sore part may follow. After the attack, the general health may be

improved, and the joint may become normal or but slightly stiff. It recurs

at intervals of a few months commonly.

