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HIVES, Nettle Rash (Urticaria). Causes

Categories: Diseases of The Skin

Foods such as shell fish,
strawberries, cheese, pickles, pork and sausages.

Medicines that may cause it. Quinine, copaiba, salicylic acid, etc.

Disorders of the stomach and bowels. Insects, like mosquito, bedbug, etc.

MOTHERS' REMEDIES. 1. Hives or Nettle Rash, Slippery Elm. "Slippery elm

used as a wash and taken as a drink." Slippery elm is especially good for

any skin disease, as it is very sooth
ng to the parts and relieves the

itching. If taken as a drink it acts on the kidneys and bowels, throwing

off all the impurities.

2. Hives or Nettle Rash, External and Internal Home Medicine for. "Bathe

with weak solution of vinegar. Internal remedy; sweet syrup of rhubarb

with small lump of saleratus (size of a pea) dissolved in it. This dose

was given to a two-year-old child." The rhubarb helps to rid the stomach

and bowels of its impurities, relieving the disease, as hives are usually

due to some disorder of the kidneys and bowels.

3. Hives or Nettle Rash, Tea and Powder for. "Rub with buckwheat flour;

this will relieve the itching almost immediately. Sassafras tea is a good

internal remedy."

4. Hives or Nettle Rash, Catnip Tea for. "Boil catnip leaves to make a

tea, slightly sweeten and give about six or eight teaspoonfuls at bed time

and keep patient out of draughts." The tea can be taken throughout the day

also. If taken hot on going to bed it causes sweating and care should be

taken not to catch cold while the pores are opened.

5. Hives or Nettle Rash, Mother from Buckhorn, Florida, says following is

a sure Cure for. "Grease with poplar bud stewed down until strong; take

out buds, add one teaspoonful lard, stew all the water out. Grease and

wrap up in wool blanket."

6. Hives or Nettle Rash, from a Mother at New Milford, Pennsylvania. "One

tablespoonful castor oil first. Then put one tablespoonful salts and cream

tartar in glass of water; take one spoonful before eating. Have used this

and found it excellent." The castor oil acts on the bowels and the cream

of tartar on the blood.

7. Hives or Nettle Rash, Buttermilk for. "Buttermilk applied two or three

times a day. Found this to be good for nettle rash." Buttermilk is very

soothing and will relieve the itching. This is an old tried remedy.

8. Hives or Nettle Rash, Baking Soda Wash for. "Make a strong solution of

common baking soda, about three teaspoonfuls to pint of water. Sponge or

bathe body thoroughly." Any mother who has a child in the house knows how

valuable baking soda is in case of burns, on account of its cooling

properties. For this same reason it will be found excellent for above

disease, as it will relieve the itching and is very soothing. Good for

children if used not quite as strong.

9. Hives or Nettle Rash, Canada Blue Clay for. "Mix up blue clay and

water to make a paste. Leave until dry and then wash off."

PHYSICIANS' TREATMENT for Hives or Nettle Rash. Remove causes. Bowels and

kidneys should act freely. Abstain from eating for a day or two if


For the Itching. Diluted vinegar, applied is effective. Also camphor.

Cream of Tartar 2 ounces

Epsom Salts 2 ounces

Take three or four teaspoonfuls to move the bowels, or one teaspoonful

every three hours if the bowels are regular enough. For a child one year

old, give one teaspoonful in water every three hours until the bowels move


