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How to Take Hold of a Broken Leg or Arm

Categories: Accidents, Emergencies and Poisons

Never take hold of it from
above, but slip the hands underneath, and then take a firm but gentle hold

at two points a short distance from the break on each side, and all the

while making slight extension with the hand on the end part (distal part)

so as to keep the ends from rubbing together, and lift with both hands at

the same time slowly and evenly until the limb is in the required

position. Then apply the emergency treatm
nt. This is to help keep the

broken parts in place until proper care can be given, or to assist in

safely and comfortably moving the patient to the place desired. Support

the broken limb with something smooth and stiff, such as a thin narrow

shingle, three inches wide perhaps, or thin board, stout pasteboard, or

the bark of trees, and padded with something soft, such as cotton, wool,

hay, straw, leaves, which can be held by bandages of required width, or

handkerchiefs folded in triangular shape, or by strips of linen, muslin,

ribbon or anything with which the splint can be temporarily held fast.

