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Categories: Accidents, Emergencies and Poisons

Pressure from improperly fitting shoes, or
a wrong way of cutting the nails. The flesh along the nails becomes

inflamed. Toe-nails should be cut straight across, and not trimmed too

closely at the corners.

Treatment. Wear broad-toed shoes with low heels. The high heels push the

toes against the shoe and besides are unhealthy and dangerous in walking.

Hot poultices will relieve the inflammation and
ain. Soak the toe in hot

water and push the flesh back from the nail. Cotton under the edge and

corner of the nail helps to keep it away. Dust a boric acid powder, mixed

with an equal quantity of starch flour, on the parts. Mennen's borated

talcum powder is good.

MOTHER'S REMEDY. 1. In-growing Toe-Nail, Popular Remedy for. "Shave a

little common laundry soap and mix with a little cream and pulverized

sugar, work to the consistency of salve and apply to the affected part

night and morning. It will take off the proud flesh in about ten days and

then heal. This is a good salve for bed-sores or cuts, that, have dirt in

them, and will also draw out a splinter. To prevent in-growing toe-nails,

scrape the center of the nail very thin and cut a V in the top. This will

allow the nail to bend and the corners will have a chance to grow up and

out. Avoid short shoes and stockings." Anyone suffering from this dreaded

thing will be willing to try anything that will give relief. The above

treatment is always at hand, and has been known to cure in severe cases.

