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Inflammation of the Bundles of Nerve Fibres)

Categories: Diseases of The Nervous System

Nagel describes it as "an
inflammation of the nerves of an acute or chronic nature, associated with

more or less degeneration, change in the nerve fibrils of the affected


Causes. An injury to the nerves, frequent muscular strains, exposure to

cold. Inflammation can extend to the nerve from adjacent inflamed

structures. Pressure can cause it. Fractures of bones cause it by

compression and it is also caused by infectious diseases, such as

rheumatism, typhoid fever, syphilis, etc. In some cases it simply appears

without apparent cause.

When the disease process involves the nerve sheaths and connective tissue

structures in particular, an interstitial neuritis results; when the

disease locates itself in the nerve fibrils it gives rise to

"parenchymatous neuritis" (main part of the nerve is inflamed).

