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Categories: Kidney and Bladder

1. Kidney Trouble and Inflammation of
the Bladder, Cornsilk for. "Get cornsilk and make a good strong tea of it

by steeping slowly, and take one ounce three or four times a day. This

acts well on the kidneys, and is a harmless remedy to use."

2. Kidney Trouble, Flaxseed and Lemons for. "Make a tea by placing the

flaxseed in a muslin or linen bag, and suspend it in a dish of water, in

the proportion of about four
teaspoonfuls for each quart of water. After

allowing the seeds to soak for several hours remove the same and tea will

be ready for use. The addition of a little lemon juice will improve the

flavor. Give in quantities as may be found necessary."

3. Kidney Trouble, Temporary Relief for. "Rub witchhazel on stomach and

back; use freely." This is an old-time remedy, and can be relied upon to

at least give temporary relief. The witch hazel has a very soothing effect

upon the parts affected.

4. Kidney and Bladder Trouble, Buchu Leaves for. "Get five cents' worth

of buchu leaves at any drug store, and make a good strong tea of it by

steeping. This acts nicely on the kidneys. This remedy is easily prepared,

and is not expensive."

5. Kidney Trouble, Common Rush Root for. "Take a handful of the root of

common rush in one and one-half pints of water, boil down to one pint.

Dose:--One tablespoonful every two or three hours. For a child ten years,

give one teaspoonful four times a day. For a child of four to six years,

one-half teaspoonful four times a day."

6. Kidney Trouble, Effective and Easy Cure for.

"Fluid Extract of Cascara Sagrada 1 ounce

Fluid Extract of Buchu 2 ounces

Fluid Extract of Uva Ursi 2 ounces

Tincture Gentian Comp 1 ounce

Simple Syrup 1 pint

Mix the above ingredients and give a teaspoonful four times a day. This is

a very good remedy, as the cascara sagrada acts on the bowels and the

buchu and uva ursi acts on the kidneys, carrying off all the impurities

that would otherwise be retained in the system and cause trouble."

7. Kidney Trouble, Sheep-Sorrel Excellent for. "Make a decoction of sheep

sorrel, one ounce to pint of water; boil, strain and cool. Give

wineglassful, three or four times a day. If necessary apply the spinal ice

bag to kidneys." The sheep sorrel is a good kidney remedy, and the ice bag

by continuous application will relieve the congestion.

