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Lives saved from smallpox in Michigan

Categories: Infectious Diseases

Since the State Board of Health
was established, many thousands of people in Michigan have been vaccinated

because of its recommendations; and the statistics of deaths, published by

the Secretary of State, show that at the close of the year 1906, the death

rate from smallpox in Michigan had been so much less than before the board

was established as to indicate that over three thousand lives had been

saved from that loathsome
isease. The average death rate per year, for

the five years, 1869-1873, before the board was established, was 8.5 per

100,000 inhabitants, and since the board was established, for the

thirty-three years, 1874-1907, it was only 1.5. Since 1896 an uncommon

mild type of the disease has prevailed very extensively, but the death

rate has been exceedingly low, being for the eleven years, 1897-1907,

slightly less than one death for each 100,000 inhabitants. The great

saving of life from smallpox in civilized countries has been mainly

because of vaccination and revaccination.

