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Categories: Obstetrics or Midwifery

This is due to infection. It usually arises from an extension
of a blood clot (thrombosis) of the womb or pelvic veins, to the thigh

(femoral) vein, resulting in a partial or complete obstruction of the

vein. It may come in less frequent cases, from a lymphatic infection.

Symptoms. They may develop at any time between the tenth and thirtieth

days or even later. These are general feelings of weariness, stiffness and

/> soreness of the leg, especially when it is moved. There may first be pain

in the region of the groin; or pain from the ankle to the groin and

followed by swelling. The skin of the leg becomes markedly swollen, white

and shiny. Later there is pitting on pressure, but not at first, because

the skin is extremely stretched. Fever may accompany the attack, but it

will subside long before the swelling of the leg has disappeared.

The vein may be felt as a hard lash-like cord, a red line of inflammation

marking its course along the inner and under side of the thigh. The

disease may last weeks, depending upon the severity of the trouble. The

affected leg is disabled for a number of months after recovery. Recovery

takes place as a rule. Absorption of the clot takes place, or the vessel

remains closed, and another (compensatory) circulation is established.

Treatment. The patient should lie in bed with the leg elevated and

swathed in flannel or cotton wet with some quieting lotion. The following

is a good lotion:--

Compound Soap Liniment 6 ounces

Laudanum 1-1/2 ounces

Tincture Aconite Root 1/2 ounce

Tincture Belladonna 1/2 ounce

Wet the flannel or cotton with this. After the acute symptoms have passed

the following ointment may be put on the leg:--

Ichthyol 45 grains

Iodide of Lead 45 grains

Chloride of Ammonium 10 grains

Alboline 1 ounce

The parts should not be rubbed lest a clot be loosened and travel in the

general circulation and thus endanger life.

Diet. Should be supporting. Salts for the bowels.

