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Milk Poison, Popular Remedy for

Categories: Unclassified Remedies

Yellow Poplar Bark 4 ounces

Wild Gooseberry Roots 4 ounces

Slippery Elm Bark 4 ounces

Put in an earthern vessel with two quarts of water; put over a slow fire

and simmer to one pint, then strain and add it to one gallon of the best

rye whisky and give one wineglassful for the first dose, and thereafter

give two tablespoonfuls every two hours. Move the bowels by pink and senna
/> tea. Poultice the bottom of the feet with blue flag swamp root mashed fine

to the consistency of a poultice. For the vomiting associated with the

disease give one teaspoonful wild deer horn in a little water obtained by

filing or grinding the horn of a wild deer. As this is not always to be

obtained, a tablespoonful of pulverized chalk is good, or a little cold

tea may be given. This recipe has been known to save many persons' lives,

when the doctors had given up in despair. When the patient becomes

sufficiently improved to warrant it, the dose may be decreased, but it

should be taken quite a long time to kill the poison or counteract the

poison in the system."

