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MOTHERS' REMEDIES. Dry Cough and Tickling

Categories: Respiratory Diseases

l. "Raspberry Tincture. Take
one-half pound of honey, one cup water; let these boil; take off scum;

pour boiling hot upon one-half ounce lobelia herb and one-half ounce

cloves; mix well, then strain and add one gill of raspberry vinegar. Take

from one teaspoonful to a dessertspoonful four times a day. Pleasant to


2. Cough, Honey and Vinegar for. "Honey and vinegar." This is an
ld and

tried remedy and a good one. The vinegar cuts the phlegm in the throat and

bronchial tubes, and the honey is very soothing.

3. Cough of Long Standing, Excellent Syrup for.

"Carbonate Ammonia 40 grains

Syrup Senega 6 drams

Paregoric 4 drams

Syrup Wild Cherry 6 drams

Syrup Tolu 4 ounces"

This is a very good syrup, and is especially good for chronic cough or

chronic bronchitis. Dose. One teaspoonful every three hours.

4. Cough, Reliable Mixture in Severe Cases.

"Oil of Anise 1/2 ounce

Syrup of Balsam of Tolu 1/2 ounce

Black Stick Licorice 1/2 ounce

Best Rye Whisky 1 pint

Shake well before using. Dose:--One teaspoonful at intervals of one hour

or oftener; if cough is very bad."

5. Cough, Mullein Leaf Tea for--"Mullein leaves steeped with loaf sugar

cures a cough." Take four ounces of mullein leaves and boil for ten

minutes in water: then add the loaf sugar. This is very soothing to the

sore parts and also helps to loosen up the secretion so it can be raised


6. Cough, Lemon Juice and Sugar for. "Lemon juice and sugar is a good

remedy for coughs." It is surprising to see how quickly the lemon juice

will cut the phlegm in throat, and sugar is always good for cold.

7. Cough, Standard Remedy for.

"Hoarhound Five cents worth

Hops Five cents worth

Wild cherry bark Five cents worth

Licorice root Five cents worth

Boil or simmer altogether in two quarts of water long enough to get the

strength out of the ingredients; strain, add three cups sugar. Add enough

good whiskey to keep from souring, say one-half pint. This will cure a

stubborn cough."

8. Cough, Ipecac Syrup for. "One-third teaspoonful of ipecac dissolved in

one teaspoonful of water; one tablespoonful of sugar; pour on one

teacupful of boiling water and let it boil down to half cup. Dose. One

teaspoonful for adults, and children in proportion, every two hours, or,

if needed to vomit children give again in ten or fifteen minutes."

9. Cough Remedy for Adults (not for children).

"Laudanum Three cents worth

Anise Three cents worth

Essence of Peppermint Three cents worth

Licorice (liquid) Three cents worth

Brown Sugar 1 cup

Molasses 1 cup

Boiling water 2 cups

Let this come to a little more than a boil. Take a teaspoonful of it as

often as necessary." This is for adults. Do not use for children.

10. Coughs, Very Simple Remedy for. "Take one-half tablespoonful hogs'

lard or salt pork grease, heat it hot, fill spoon with coal oil and

swallow while hot. Have used this, will stop and cure the worst cough."

Not to be given to children.

11. Coughs, Glycerin, Brandy and Paregoric with Lemon, Good

for. "Glycerin, one ounce; brandy, one ounce; paregoric, one ounce; lemon

juice, one ounce. Mix well; one teaspoonful every hour." This makes a very

effective cough syrup. The glycerin and brandy cut the phlegm, and the

paregoric is soothing and quieting. The lemon juice is healing to the

membranes of the throat.

