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Categories: Circulatory System

This is an inflammation of the pericardium, the sac
containing the heart.

Primary or First Causes. They refer in this disease to a peculiar

constitution. Children that have a tuberculous constitution are more

liable to this disease. Acute rheumatism or tonsilitis are the causes and

this trouble follows or goes with them. Infectious diseases also cause it.

Symptoms. Slight pain in the heart region,
ever moderate. These subside

or effusion may set in and this usually occurs with acute rheumatism,

tuberculosis and septicemia. Sometimes these symptoms are absent.

Treatment of Pericarditis. The patient must rest quietly in bed and a

doctor should be in attendance. An ice bag placed over the heart

frequently gives relief and quiets the distress and pain. There is apt to

be liquid in the sac (pericardium) and to lessen the tendency to this

there should not be much drink or liquid food taken. There should be what

is called a dry diet. (See Nursing Department for this.)

