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Forgotten Remedies
Bitter-tasting resin from the dried root of the may apple; used as a
Pneumonic Plague
Poison Ivy, Buttermilk and Salt Heals
Pimples are due to an impure condition of the blood, for which sulphur is a good remedy, taken internally and applied externally. One dram each of camphor and flowers of sulphur in four ounces of rose-water is a good lotion for external use. Do not pick...
Placenta Praevia
The after-birth is placed in the lower part of the womb; (after-birth before the child). This is a dangerous condition and terrible bleeding may occur. It occurs about one time out of every one thousand. The main symptom is bleeding and this may occur a...
Plague is an infectious disease characterized by inflammation and suppuration of the lymph nodes and cutaneous (skin) hemorrhages. It has long been known as the Plague or "Black Death," on account of its "flea-bite looking eruptions." This disease is be...
The onset may be sudden or gradual. Sudden with a chill, fever, a severe sharp pain, stitch in the side, made worse by respiration, coughing or moving. The cough is dry. The pain is near the breast and sometimes it extends to the back. ...
PLEURISY, Inflammation of the Pleura
Aconite 2X dil., etc., one to two teaspoonfuls every hour, for the chill and fever, dry hot skin, full bounding pulse, shortness of breath. First stage. Byronia 2X dil. One to two teaspoonfuls every hour. Head aches as if it would split open, sharp s...
Paroxysmal pain and soreness of the muscles between the ribs. Epidemic disease caused by a coxsackievirus, causing pain in the lower chest and fever, headache, and malaise. ...
PLEURODYNIA, (Intercostal Neuralgia)
Belladonna 3X dil. Bryonia 2X dil. ...
It begins with a chill, fever, pain in the lungs, expectoration with cough, and the material spit up may be mixed with blood (rusty sputa). Then also rapid rise of temperature, "grunting" breathing, the nostrils dilate, and the cheeks are flushed. ...
PNEUMONIA (Lobar) Lung Fever
Inflammation of the lungs. This is an acute infectious disease characterized by an exudative inflammation of one or more lobes of the lungs, with constitutional symptoms due to the absorption of toxins (poison), the fever terminating by crisis (suddenly...
PNEUMONIA, Inflammation of the Lungs
Aconite 2X dil., etc. every hour for first twenty-four hours. Bryonia 2X dil., etc. Given same way, when the patient lies quietly, hurts to move, stitching pain in chest when coughing and attended by a pain in the head. Goes well after Aconite. Aconi...
Pneumonic Plague
The symptoms are those of a severe "lobular" pneumonia, with bloody sputum containing many bacilli. It is usually rapidly fatal. Death rate may reach ninety per cent. Treatment. Prevention. Prolonged isolation, disinfection of the discharges, cremati...
Bitter-tasting resin from the dried root of the may apple; used as a cathartic. ...
Poison Ivy, Buttermilk and Salt Heals
"Add considerable salt to buttermilk and bathe poisoned parts in it frequently." ...
Poison Ivy, Excellent Cure for
"Copperas mixed with sour milk; put in all the copperas the milk will dissolve. I knew of a very bad case to be cured by this after a few applications. Care should be taken not to let it get on the clothing, as it burns badly." ...
Poison Ivy, Lead Water and Laudanum Relieves
"Application of cold lead water, made in proportions of two drams of sugar of lead, half an ounce of landanum to half a pint of water and applied by means of cloths. The patient should eat a cooling, light diet and use a good saline cathartic, such as ...
Zinci Oxide 1 dram Bismuth Sub. Nit. 1 dram Carbolic Acid 10 drops Glycerin 2 ounces Mix. This is excellent. There are a number of remedies, but this is the best known for poison oak. The above amo...
Remove the sting in the wound. Diluted vinegar applied to the bites is sometimes of help. Camphor is also good. ...
Vomiting, terrible weakness. Treatment. Emetics such as warm mustard water, warm salt water, goose grease, vaselin, lard, etc.; strong coffee, brandy; heat to extremities, artificial respiration. ...
Poisonous Wounds, Ammonia Application for
"Strong spirits of ammonia applied to the wounds of snake bite or rabid animals is better than caustic. It neutralizes the poison and is an excellent remedy." ...
Pokeweed (pokeberry, Pokeroot)
Tall North American plant (Phytolacca americana) with small white flowers, blackish-red berries, and a poisonous root. ...
Poor Circulation, Alcohol Rub for
"Rub vigorously night and morning with good whisky. Don't stop for a week or so after patient looks and feels well." Rubbing with alcohol would probably be preferred. ...
Position of the Womb
At four months the top of the womb has risen above the pelvic brim bone in front; at five months, it is midway between the bone (pubic) and the navel; at six months, it is at the navel; at seven months, it is four fingers breadths above the navel; at ei...