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QUINSY. (Suppurative Tonsilitis)

Categories: Infectious Diseases

In from two to four days the enlarged
gland becomes softer and finally may break, sometimes in the pharynx; the

breaking gives the patient great relief. Suffocation has sometimes

followed the rupture of a large abscess and the entrance of the pus into

the larynx. This form of tonsilitis was formerly called quinsy. By this

term now is meant an abscess around the tonsils, (Peri-tonsilar abscess).

The structures are very much sw

Causes are somewhat similar to what has produced the regular tonsilitis.

It may follow exposure to cold and wet, and is very liable to recur. It is

most common between fourteen and twenty-five years. The inflammation here

is more deeply seated. It involves the main tissue of the tonsil and tends

to go on to suppuration.

Symptoms. The general disturbance is very great. The fever goes to 104 or

105 degrees; the pulse 110 to 120. Delirium at night is not uncommon. The

weakness may be extreme. The throat is dry and sore, hurts terribly to

swallow, this being the first thing of which the patient complains. Both

tonsils may be involved. They become large, firm to the touch, dusky red

and swollen, and the surrounding parts are also much swollen. The swelling

may be so great that the tonsils may touch each other or one tonsil may

push the uvula aside and almost touch the other tonsil. There is much

saliva. The glands of the neck enlarge, the lower jaw is almost immovable

and sometimes it is almost impossible to open the mouth at all.

QUINSY. Mothers' Remedies. 1. Willow Gargle for. "Steep pussy willow and

gargle throat with it. This remedy if taken in time, will cure quinsy and

it will not return."

2. Quinsy, Liveforever Root Good Poultice for. "Get the root of

liveforever, pound it up and bind on throat as you would a poultice." We

have tried this, and it has always given relief, if done in time.

3. Quinsy, Plaster of Lard and Salt for. "Take one tablespoonful lard and

stir into as much table salt as possible making it about like mortar.

Spread on a cloth and apply." Splendid for sore throat and quinsy.

4. Quinsy, Oil of Anise Effective for. "Rub inside of throat with oil of


5. Quinsy, Quick Remedy for. "In severe cases of quinsy where the tonsils

are inflamed and almost meet, a third of a grain of mercury and chalk, or

"gray powder," acts very quickly. Cold compresses used nightly to harden

the throat is very good. At night use a gargle made of a teaspoonful

tincture of cayenne pepper to half pint of water." This remedy is very

good and is sure to give relief.

6. Quinsy, Pleasant Peppermint Application for. "There is nothing better

for this disease than oil of peppermint applied externally to the neck and

throat." This is an excellent remedy.

7. Quinsy, Kerosene Good for. "A cloth wet with kerosene oil applied to

the throat is very good; also gargling with kerosene oil." Repeat the

application of the wet cloths every two or three hours.

8. Quinsy, Raw Beef Has Cured. "Bind raw beefsteak over the tonsils on

one or both sides of the throat as required." The beefsteak acts as a

poultice and counter-irritant, drawing the inflammation out in a short

time. This is very good, and is easily prepared.

9. Quinsy, Easy and Simple Remedy for. "Strong sulphur water. Broke up

two cases I know."

PHYSICIANS' TREATMENT for Quinsy. The external applications used should

now be hot. Hot water; hot poultices, cloths wrung out of smartweed hot,

and thyme tea or golden seal teas. The same steaming process and hot water

gargles can be used as given under follicular tonsilitis. But if it

continues the tonsils or tonsil must be opened to save pain and life. Just

as soon as there is suppuration they should be opened. It will feel softer

to the finger touch when ready for opening.

Prevention of Attacks. By taking care a good many attacks of tonsilitis

can be avoided. A person subject to this trouble must be careful about

taking cold. He should not sit down with wet clothes, or feet, or shoes

that are wet. Girls should wear rubbers and keep dry feet and skirts.

Sleeping in damp unused beds is bad. Putting on underwear that has not

been dried thoroughly and aired, and the use of bedding, pillows, etc., in

the same condition should not be tolerated. Sleeping on the first floor is

generally unhealthy for such persons, for it is generally damp.

Do not get chilled; wear sufficient clothing. Drying clothes in a kitchen

is an abomination and terrible to one subject to this disease or

rheumatism. You can keep from having it so often by proper care. It is

likely to return, and repeated attacks will cause permanently enlarged

tonsils and they will become so diseased that they, will not only be

annoying, but dangerous to health and life. You will go around with your

mouth open, "talk through your nose." The tonsil must then be removed,

also the adenoids in the throat, to enjoy proper mental and physical

health. Enlarged tonsils with pus in them are a menace to anyone. A person

who has had these troubles should be careful not to expose himself to the

danger of taking cold after an attack.

The parts are still tender and in danger of a return upon the least error

in your daily life. I once had a friend who had a return of tonsilitis

brought on through going out too soon, and the second attack was worse

than the first, a genuine "hummer."

What to do with enlarged tonsils. Moderate enlargement of the tonsils

giving rise to no symptoms or inconvenience need not be interfered with.

When, however, the enlargement is great, or when with moderate sized

tonsils there are resulting troubles, such as liability to inflammatory

rheumatism attacks, active local treatment will be called for; especially

is this true when the tonsils contain pus and interfere with the

breathing. They should be removed. An anaesthetic is not usually

necessary, as the pain is not severe.

