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Muriate of Berberine 0.65 parts
Acidi Carbolici 1.35 parts
Common Salt 98.00 parts
Total (parts by weight) 100.00 parts
The above amount would cost about 15 cents.
Rumex Crispus (chrysophanic Acid)
A number of joints become involved. It spreads from one joint to another, very painful joints; profuse sweating. ...
RHEUMATIC GOUT. (Rheumatic Arthritis. Arthritis Deformans)
Cause. It occurs most often from thirty to fifty-five, usually in women, generally at or after the change of life, and most frequently in those who have not had children. The involvement of the joints is most common in adult males. Exciting cause m...
Painful disorder of the joints or muscles or connective tissues. Chronic auto-immune disease with inflammation of the joints and marked deformities. rhus Genus of vines and shrubs including poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac. ...
Acute inflammatory. Aconite 2X dil. At first, and when new joints are attacked. Belladonna 2X or 3X dil. When the parts throb and beat, and are swollen a bright red. Bryonia 2x dil. Pains are cutting, lancinating. Worse on least motion and touch; ...
Iodide Potash 1/2 ounce Fluid Extract Phytolacca Decandra 1 ounce Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla to make 8 ounces Mix. For Chronic Rheumatism. This is the oldest rheumatism remedy known. Rheumatism bei...
Rheumatism, Liniment Sent Us from Gentleman in Canada
"Capsicum Powdered 1 ounce Camphor 1/2 ounce Oil Hemlock 1/2 ounce Spirits Ammonia 1/2 ounce Chloroform 1/2 ounce Oil Turpentine 1/2 ounce Oil Wormwood ...
Rheumatism, Mountain Leaf Tea for
"Tea made of mountain leaf taken frequently cures rheumatism." Rheumatism, Beef Gall for. "Two beef galls in pint bottle, fill bottle with whisky. Apply often." ...
Rickets (rachitis)
Childhood disease caused by a lack of vitamin D or calcium and from insufficient exposure to sunlight, characterized by defective bone growth. ...
RINGWORM (Tinea Trichophytina)
Ringworm is a contagious disease of the skin, produced by the presence of a vegetable parasite. The disease affects the hair follicles of the scalp and the beard, and also of the portions of the body that, seemingly at least, have no hair. Varieties....
Rochelle Salts
Potassium sodium tartrate; colorless efflorescent crystalline compound, KNaC4H4O6.4H2O, used in making mirrors, in electronics, and as a laxative ruche Ruffle or pleat of lace, muslin, or other fine fabric used to trim women's garments. ...
Well, don't do it. There may be a few who can have a rouge especially prepared that is the exact tint that harmonizes with the skin, the hair, the eyes, and can apply it so carefully as to look "natural." But ordinarily the deception is evident, and rou...
Violent burning in stomach, nausea, and vomiting, retching, thirst, purging of blood and mucus, Suppressed urine, cramps in legs, intense thirst, collapse. Antidote. Jeannel's antidote. Treatment. Emetics freely such as warm mustard water, warm sal...
(Ascariasis Lumbricoides). The round worm resembles the angle worm in form; is the most common human parasite and is found chiefly in children. The female is seven to twelve inches long, the male four to eight inches. It is pointed at both ends. The par...
Muriate of Berberine 0.65 parts Acidi Carbolici 1.35 parts Common Salt 98.00 parts Total (parts by weight) 100.00 parts The above amount would cost about 15 cents. ...
Rumex Crispus (chrysophanic Acid)
Yellow crystalline substance found in the root of yellow dock (Rumex crispus). rush Stiff marsh plants of the genus Juncus, having pliant hollow or pithy stems and small flowers with scale-like perianths (outer envelope of a flower,). ...
RUPTURE (Hernia)
Hernia means a protrusion of an organ from its natural cavity, through normal or artificial openings in the surrounding structures. But by the term hernia, used alone, we mean the protrusion of a portion of the abdominal contents through the walls, and ...
Ruptures, Herb Remedy for
"Make a poultice of lobelia and stramonium leaves, equal parts, and apply to part, renewing as often as necessary." This poultice acts by relaxing the muscles, but in severe cases no application will do any good and the doctor should be consulted. ...
Rusty Nail Wound, Simple Guard Against Serious Results from
"Every little while we read of someone who has run a rusty nail in his foot or some other part of his person, and lockjaw has resulted therefrom. All such wounds can be healed without any fatal consequences following them. It is only necessary to smoke...
Powdered Hydrastis Canadensis 1 ounce Powdered Borax 10 grains Sodium Chloride 10 grains Ferro-cyanuret of Iron sufficient to color Mix. The above is the formula of Dr. Sage, an...
ammonium chloride; white crystalline volatile salt NH4Cl, used in dry cells and as an expectorant called. ...
Sodium or potassium bicarbonate used as a leavening agent; baking soda. ...
Salt or ester of salicylic acid. ...
Salicylic Acid
White crystalline acid, C6H4(OH)(COOH), used to make aspirin and to treat skin conditions such as eczema. salol White crystalline powder, C13H10O3, derived from salicylic acid and used in plastics, suntan oils, analgesics and antipyretics. ...
SALPINGITIS. Inflammation of the Fallopian Tubes
It may be either acute or chronic in character. Condition. The tissues of the tubes become swollen when the inflammation runs into the pus stage; the finger-shaped end (outer end) is usually closed by adhesions, the pus accumulates in the tube and we...
SALT (Sodium Chloride)
This common household article is used in a great many different ways. In cooking it is used to season foods. The absence of salt gives rise to a bad state of the system, with the formation of intestinal worms. If used too freely, it produces in some per...
Salt Rheum
Popular name in the United States, for skin eruptions, such as eczema. Eczema; inflammatory skin disease, indicated by redness and itching, eruption of small vesicles, and discharge of a watery exudation, which often dries up, leaving the skin...