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Categories: Diseases of Women

This is an inflammation of the inner
lining of the womb that occurs after child-birth during the first few

weeks, and is due to a poison.

Symptoms. The attack usually begins with a chill, preceded by a regular

increase of the temperature and pulse. The face looks flushed at first,

but it soon becomes pale and the patient has an anxious look, as the

disease goes on. There is very little pain, if any. The discharg

always follows labor is diminished or stops and has no odor, if there is

any discharge.

The death rate is from five to twenty-five per cent.

Treatment. Never scrape out (curette) the womb for this disease. The womb

should be washed out with a hot salt solution, one teaspoonful of salt to

one pint of water, and then packed with ten per cent iodoform gauze. This

solution should also be injected hot into the rectum and frequently. The

bowels should move freely, and if necessary injections may be given for

that purpose.

The strength must be kept up by a liquid diet. Milk, brandy and

strychnine, if necessary; 1/100 of a grain of strychnine can be given

every four hours. Milk should be given every half hour, about two ounces

at one time: or more if it agrees well.

The gauze should be removed gradually, beginning on the third day and

ending on the ninth day.

In this disease the interior of the womb is smooth and contains no broken

down or foreign tissue. In the next disease, Putrid Endometritis, it is

far different, for this is caused by the presence of dead material, such

as parts of the after-birth, left in after labor, or sloughing tumors.

This material becomes putrid (rotten), and thus causes the disease called

"Putrid Endometritis."

