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Aconite 2X dil. for fever. Tartar Emetic 3X trit. (tablet
form). 2 Tablets every two hours after fever is low.
SHINGLES (Herpes Zoster). Definition
This is an acute inflammatory disease of the skin, characterized by groups of vesicles upon the inflamed base, distributed along the course of one or more cutaneous (skin) nerves. Symptoms. The eruption is preceded by a great deal of neuralgic pain an...
There is a depression of the skin over the cavity. The shoulder is flattened. The bone of the arm points to where the head of the bone is. Treatment. Carry the elbow to the side with the forearm at right angles to the arm: turn the arm around until t...
Bryonia 2X dil. Vomiting (bilious) worse from motion. Pulsatilla 3X dil. Blondes with menstrual troubles. Iris vers. 2X dil. Ten drops in water. Bilious sick headache, frequent nausea and vomiting. Sanguinaria 2X dil. Ten drops, etc. Dose every f...
SICK HEADACHE. (Migraine. Hemicrania)
Migraine is a peculiar form of severe paroxysms of unilateral (one side) headache often associated with disorders of sight. Causes. It is frequently hereditary, and it has occurred through several generations. Women and members of nervous families ar...
Causes. Acute colds, inflammation of the nose and pharynx, tonsilitis. Symptoms. The ear may feel full and numb, roaring in the ear may occur. There may be pain on swallowing, shooting up through the tube. Treatment. Remove the cause. Treat the ...
Simple Neuritis
This means that a single nerve of a group of adjacent nerve trunks is affected. If a number of nerves are affected at the same time it is called Multiple Neuritis or Polyneuritis. Causes. (a) Exposure to cold. This is a very frequent cause, as for ex...
See mustard plaster. ...
Sitz Bath
Bathtub shaped like a chair, used to bathe only the hips and buttocks. ...
Skin Piles. (Cutaneous)
These are enlarged tags of the skin. They frequently follow the absorption of the clot in the venous piles where the skin is bruised and stretched. There may be one or many and usually have the skin color. These cause less suffering than the venous vari...
Hydrate of Chloral 1 dram Glycerin 4 drams Bay Rum 16 drams The above amount would cost about 25 cents. ...
Slaked Lime
See lime sling Drink consisting of brandy, whiskey, or gin, sweetened and usually lemon-flavored. ...
There is a tendency to sleep walking in some families, often more than one child will do this to a greater or less extent. It is very extreme in some cases, and the next morning they do not know anything about it. The person is very seldom hurt and he c...
Aconite 2X dil. for fever. Tartar Emetic 3X trit. (tablet form). 2 Tablets every two hours after fever is low. ...
Contagious febrile (feverish) disease characterized by skin eruption with pustules, sloughing, and scar formation. It is caused by a poxvirus (genus Orthopoxvirus) that is believed to exist now only in lab cultures. ...
The onset is sudden and ushered in by a chill, nausea and vomiting, headache, and severe pains in the back and legs, without grip symptoms. There is a rapid rise of temperature. Usually on the fourth day after the onset small red pimples appear on the ...
Smallpox entirely prevented by re-vaccination
In the Bavarian army re- vaccination has been compulsory since 1843. From that date till 1857, not even a single case of unmodified smallpox occurred, nor a single death from smallpox. During the year of duty, Dr. Marson, physician of the London Smallp...
SMALLPOX or Variola
Smallpox is an acute infectious disease. It has a sudden onset with a severe period of invasion which is followed by a falling of the fever, and then the eruption comes out. This eruption begins as a pimple, then a watery pimple (vesicle) which runs int...
Smilax (catbrier, Greenbrier)
Slender vine (Asparagus asparagoides) with glossy foliage, greenish flowers, heart-shaped leaves, and bluish to black berries; popular as a floral decoration. ...
Chloroform 1 ounce Sassafras Oil 2 ounces Linseed Oil 8 ounces Cotton Seed Oil 1 pint Mix. The above, nearly two pints, would cost about 60 cents. ...
Snake Bite
Naturalists have discovered twenty-seven species of poisonous serpents and one poisonous lizard; eighteen species of these are true rattlesnakes; the remaining nine are divided between varieties of the moccasin, copperhead or the viper. The poisonous li...
Snake Bites, Onions and Salt for
"Good drawing poultice for snake bites is an onion and a handful of salt pounded together. We also use this for a common poultice." ...
Snake Bites, Simple Poultice for
"Poultice of hops or salt and grease; grease is to keep salt together. Hops are always kept to be used in berry season." As a poultice it draws the poison out. ...
Pertaining to Socotra, an island in the Indian Ocean, on the east coast of Africa. ...
SODA (Bicarbonate of Soda)
Uses. It is used in stomach fermentation and in sick headaches arising from this condition. Useful in acidity of the stomach. Good for gas in the stomach. It is good as a local application to enlarged acute tonsils applied in powder. It is also used in ...