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Sundry Causes

Categories: Digestive Organs

Diabetes, melancholy, insanity, old age, paralysis, lead
poisoning and some troubles of local origin, like fissure of the rectum,

ulceration, stricture and polypus.

Symptoms. Headache, inattention to business, loss of memory, melancholy,

sallow complexion, indigestion, loss of appetite, nervous symptoms.

Spasmodic muscular contraction of the external sphincter. The bowel

contents pres
upon it; spasm of this sphincter muscle is frequently

brought on by the presence of a crack in the mucous membrane, caused by

injury inflicted during expulsion of hardened feces. Instead of aiding a

bowel movement, the muscles now present an obstruction beyond control of

the will and aggravate the condition. The most frequent cause of disease

of the rectum is constipation and anyone of the following local diseases

of the rectum and anus may be a symptom of constipation. (1) Fissure or

crack of the anus. (2) Ulceration. (3) Hemorrhoids (piles). (4) Prolapse

(falling). (5) Neuralgia. (6) Proctitis and periproctitis.

Fissure of the anus is a common local symptom of constipation. The feces

accumulate when the bowels do not move for a few days, the watery portion

is absorbed; they become dry, hard, lumpy, and very difficult to expel,

frequently making a rent (tear) in the mucous membrane and resulting

eventually in an irritable fissure. Ulceration of the rectum and the

sigmoid (part of the bowel) is a symptom of persistent constipation,

because the pressure exerted upon the nourishing blood vessels by the

fecal mass causes local death of the tissues.

Hemorrhoids (Piles) may be produced by constipation in several ways; first

by obstruction to the return of the venous (dark) blood. Second, by venous

engorgement (filling up) of the hemorrhoidal veins during violent and

prolonged straining at stool. Third, as a result of the general looseness

of the tissues in those suffering from constipation.

