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THE ITCH DISEASE. (Psoriasis) (not Common Itch). Definition

Categories: Diseases of The Skin

This is a
chronic inflammatory disease of the skin, in which there appear upon the

skin thick, adherent, overlapping, scales of a shiny, whitish color, and

these are situated upon a reddish, slightly raised and sharply outlined

(defined) base.

Symptoms. They begin as small reddish spots, sharply defined against the

healthy skin. They may be elevated slightly and soon became covered with

whitish pear
colored scales. If the scales are picked off, there is left

a smooth red surface, and from this, small drops of blood ooze out. No

watery or pus-like discharge escapes at any period of this disease. These

spots extend at the circumference (periphery), reaching the size of the

drops, or of the coins, or they may run together and form ring-shaped, or

crooked wavy lines of patches, with a center that is healing up. A few

scattered spots may be present, or large areas may be involved. In rare

cases the whole skin is affected. These spots or patches may occur an any

part of the body, but involve the extending part of the limbs, especially

the elbows and knees. There may be slight itching present at times.

Course of the Disease. It is chronic; patches may continue indefinitely

or they may disappear in one place, while new crops appear elsewhere. This

disease usually appears far the first time between the ages of ten and

fifteen; it may then return at various intervals during a lifetime. It is

usually worse during the winter.

Causes. Are usually unknown, it may occur in all classes and kinds of


PHYSICIANS' TREATMENT for Itch Disease. Remedies for the general symptoms

are demanded. The general health must be looked after. Stimulating foods

and drinks and the use of tobacco are forbidden.

Arsenic in the form of Fowler's solution from three to ten drops three

times a day; or the arsenious acid in pills of 1/50 of a grain three times

a day. This medicine must not be used in the acute form, but only in

chronic cases.

Local Treatment. 1. Remove the scales first and follow this by

stimulating applications unless there is much inflammation. In such cases

soothing lotions should be applied. Dr. Schalek of New York, recommends

the following:

2. Remove the scales thoroughly with hot water and soap and then apply:

Chrysarobin 1 dram

Ether, Alcohol Equal parts of each and enough

to dissolve the first remedy

Collodion 1 ounce

Mix and apply with a brush to the parts affected.

This solution may cause inflammation and great swelling, and on that

account it should not be used on the face, it stains the skin. Dr. Hare

recommends a bath only before the application. In that way some scales

remain and there is not so much inflammation and swelling resulting. The

stain can be removed with a weak solution of chlorinated lime.

3. Tar Remedy. Tar is also a good remedy in ointment forms. The skin

should be closely watched to find out how sensitive it is to the tar's

action, not only in this but in all skin diseases. Drugs should be changed

occasionally, for they lose their efficiency.

4. Tar and Sulphur Remedy for. Never use tar on the face, it stains.

Ointment of Tar 1 ounce

Ointment of Sulphur 1 ounce

Mix thoroughly and apply at night.

5. Precipitated Sulphur 6 drams

Tar 6 drams

Green Soap 2 ounces

Lard 2 ounces

Powdered Chalk 4 drams

Apply frequently.

If necessary more lard can be used, especially if the skin is very tender.

6. Another good local application. It is composed of the following


Resorcinol 1 dram

Zinc Oxide 1 dram

Rose Water Ointment 10 drams

Apply twice a day to the part affected.

After mixing the ointment heat it until the resorcinol crystals melt to

prevent any irritation of the skin from them.

Ichthyol 2-1/2 drams

Salicylic Acid 2-1/2 drams

Pyrogallic Acid 2-1/2 drams

Olive Oil 1 ounce

Lanoline 1 ounce

Mix thoroughly and apply.

The result of the disease is always favorable as to life and general

health. It yields to treatment, but it has a tendency to recur.

