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Third Stage

Categories: Obstetrics or Midwifery

The birth of the head is very soon followed by the shoulders
and the rest of the body, and the woman is now at comparative rest. The

cord is now tied and cut and the child laid away, if all right, in a warm

place until it can be washed and dressed. Following the birth of the child

there is a short resting period, the contractions of the womb cease and it

becomes smaller through retraction. After a few minutes the pains begin

gain, the after-birth separates from its attachment in the womb, and

together with the membranes is extruded into the vaginal canal and vulvar

opening; whence it can be easily delivered by pressing upon the abdomen

over the lump (womb) and by guiding the after-birth with the cord. This

should be done slowly so that the membranes will all come away with the


This should always be examined to be certain that everything has come

away. A greater or less amount of clots of blood come with the

after-birth. The contraction of the womb stops the bleeding, one hand

should be kept on the abdomen over the womb, to see that it remains hard

and retracted. The womb moves under the hand. If it softens, gentle

rubbing should be kept up and the womb will soon remain contracted. This

stage averages about fifteen minutes.

