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Threatened Abortion
Obstetrics or Midwifery
If a bleeding takes place in the woman who is
pregnant, abortion may be assumed to threaten; a careful examination will
usually settle this matter.
The Lochia
By this term is meant the discharges from the womb and soft parts after labor. They are mixed with blood at first and contain dark clots, mucus, shreds of the after-birth and pieces of the membrane. They become paler in color from the end of the third t...
The Ovaries
They are analogues, anatomically, of the testes in the male. They are two egg-shaped bodies situated one on each side of the womb on the posterior aspect of the broad ligament, below and behind the fallopian tubes; each is connected by its anterior marg...
The Retina
This is a delicate membrane, upon the surface of which the images of external objects are received. Its outer surface is in contact with the choroid; its inner, with the vitreous (glass) body. Behind it is continuous with the optic nerve; it gradually d...
The Vagina
This is a membranous canal and extends from the vulva to the uterus (womb) and connects the external and internal organs of generation. It is four to six inches in length, the anterior wall being from one to two inches shorter than the posterior. It lie...
The Vagina
When there is a profuse discharge of leucorrhea, a daily vaginal douche is necessary. This should consist of a quart of warm solution (as much as the water will dissolve) of boric acid, or an equal amount of mild carbolic acid (one to eighty). The tempe...
The Vestibule
This is the smooth surface of triangular form situated between the clitoris and the entrance to the vagina. The labia minora bound it on either side. It contains the opening of the urethra. The Hymen is a thin fold of mucous membrane of half moon in s...
THINGS IN THE EAR; Buttons, Beads, etc
The bent hairpin is good to use for removing these objects, unless it is too far in. Sometimes the object can be washed out with a stream of water. This will kill and destroy insects. A small stream from a pitcher will do, if there is no fountain syrin...
THINGS IN THE NOSE. Corn, Peas, Beans, Buttons, etc
Children frequently get such things in their nose and also ears. They should be removed soon and then there will be no harm done. They have been known to remain for years, and they have been the cause of catarrh. A small curved hair-pin makes a good in...
Third Stage
The birth of the head is very soon followed by the shoulders and the rest of the body, and the woman is now at comparative rest. The cord is now tied and cut and the child laid away, if all right, in a warm place until it can be washed and dressed. Foll...
Gum Camphor 1 dram Oil Wintergreen 1 dram Oil Origanum 1 dram Chloroform 2 drams Tincture Opium 2 drams Oil Sassafras 2 drams Oil Hemlock 2 drams Oil Turpentine ...
Slave or serf, who is held in bondage. One intellectually or morally enslaved. ...
(Oxyuris Vermicularis.)--This common worm occupies the rectum and colon. They produce great irritation and itching, particularly at night, symptoms which become intensely aggravated by the nightly migration (traveling) of the parasite. They sometimes in...
Threatened Abortion
If a bleeding takes place in the woman who is pregnant, abortion may be assumed to threaten; a careful examination will usually settle this matter. ...
Aconite 2X dil. Ten drops in a glass one-half full of water and give two teaspoonfuls everyone to three hours, in the first stage attended by fever, hot and dry skin. Belladonna 3X dil. Is better in second stage, when there is some sweating, parts ar...
A contagious childhood disease caused by a fungus, Candida albicans. Causes small whitish eruptions on the mouth, throat, and tongue, and usually accompanied by fever, colic, and diarrhea. ...
Thuja (arborvitae)
A North American or east Asian evergreen tree or shrub of the genus Thuja, having flattened branchlets with opposite, scale-like leaves and small cones; used as ornamentals and timber. A similar plant of the genus Platycladus or Thujopsis. ...
White, crystalline, aromatic compound, C10H14O, derived from thyme oil and other oils or made synthetically and used as an antiseptic, a fungicide, and a preservative. ...
Acidi Carbolici 20 drops Powdered Borax 1 dram Listerine 1 ounce Alcohol 1 ounce Aqua Rose to make 8 ounces Mix. For young ladies, this will prove more beneficial than ...
First: Lose no time in recovering the body from the water. Always try to restore life; for while ten minutes under the water is usually the limit, still persons have been resuscitated after being under water for thirty or forty minutes. Do not lose time...
Wash the face; rub a little cold cream over it, rubbing it in well, wipe with a dry towel, gently, then apply the powder with a chamois--a clean one. Do not keep it on unnecessarily. Remove by rubbing with the cleansing cream, then wash the face. Never ...
TOBACCO. Symptoms
Vomiting, terrible weakness. Treatment. Emetics, such as warm salt water, warm mustard water, goose grease, lard, vaselin, etc.; then stimulants such as strong, coffee, brandy; heat to extremities, artificial respiration. ...
Tolu (balsam Of Tolu, Tolu Balsam)
Aromatic yellowish brown balsam from the tolu balsam tree used in cough syrups. ...
TONSILITIS. (Smooth and Follicular)
Commences with a chill, rapid rise of temperature, general aching in the back, and legs especially. The tonsils are large and red and spots may appear on them in a few hours. There may be no spots but a smooth; red, swollen tonsil, sometimes swollen to...
Aconite 2X dil. In the first twenty-four hours when there is fever, full pulse and dry skin. Belladonna 3X dil. instead, when there is much redness and swelling of the parts with much trouble in swallowing, great pain. Prepared as above directed and ...