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Categories: Accidents, Emergencies and Poisons

First: Lose no time in recovering the body
from the water. Always try to restore life; for while ten minutes under

the water is usually the limit, still persons have been resuscitated after

being under water for thirty or forty minutes. Do not lose time by taking

the body to a place of shelter--operate immediately.

Artificial Respiration in Case of Drowning.]


Second: Quickly lay the person prone, face downward with stomach resting

on a barrel or roll of clothing, so the head will be lower than rest of

the body and the water will run out from the throat and lungs. Wipe dry

mouth and nostrils. Wrap the corner of a handkerchief about the forefinger

and clear the mouth of all mucus and slimy substance back as far as the

top of the throat. Rip open the clothing on chest and back and keep the

face exposed to the air. Separate the jaws and keep them apart with a

cork, stone, or knot in a handkerchief.

Third: Remove the roll of clothing from underneath the stomach of the

patient. Kneel by the side of or across the patient. Place your hands over

the lowest ribs. Lean forward and put your weight straight over the lowest

ribs. Exert this pressure for three seconds. To count three seconds, say:

"One thousand and one, one thousand and two; one thousand and three,"

Fourth: Do not remove the hands from the ribs; but release the pressure

from the ribs for two seconds, by squatting backward. To count two

seconds, say: "One thousand and one, one thousand and two,"

Fifth: Again exert pressure straight over the lowest ribs for three

seconds. Alternate thus (three seconds pressure and two seconds release),

about twelve times a minute, until breathing is restored. This method of

resuscitation at once expels water and produces the identical results of

normal breathing.

Sixth: If another person is at hand to assist, let him do everything

possible to keep the body warm, by sheltering it from the wind, rubbing

hands and soles of feet, making hot applications. Warm the head nearly as

fast as the other parts of the body to avoid congestion. Camphor or

ammonia may be applied to nostrils to excite breathing.

Seventh: Do not give up too soon. Any time within two hours you may be on

the point of reviving the patient without there being any sign of it. Send

for a physician as soon as possible after the accident. Prevent friends

from crowding around the patient and excluding fresh air.

AFTER-TREATMENT. After breathing is restored, remove the patient to a

warm bed where there is free circulation of fresh air. Administer in small

doses stimulants (hot coffee, ginger tea, hot sling) being careful not to

let the patient choke or strangle. There is danger that the patient may

suffer congestion of the lungs and have great difficulty in breathing.

When this occurs, a large mustard plaster should be placed over the lungs.

