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Categories: Infectious Diseases

Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused
by the bacillus, tuberculosis, and characterized by the formation of

nodules or diffuse masses of new tissue. Man, fowls and cows are chiefly


Indians, negroes and Irish are very susceptible. The disease is less

common at great altitudes. Dark, poorly ventilated rooms, such as

tenements and factories and the crowding of cities favors infection, as do
/> in-door life and occupations in which dust must be inhaled. Certain

infections such as measles, whooping-cough, chronic heart, kidney and

liver diseases and inflammation of the air tract are predisposing factors.

Inhalation is the chief mode of transmission. Hereditary transmission is


Forms. The Lungs. Consumption. This is caused by a germ. Some have the

form called galloping consumption. This person is attacked suddenly,

wastes away and dies, in a very short time. There is rapid loss of

strength and weight, high fever, night sweats, fast breathing, pains in

the chest, cough and profuse expectoration, and rapid loss of strength.

Ordinary Consumption. Begins slowly and the patient is not aware of the

danger. He may have loss of appetite, dyspepsia, diarrhea and distress

after meals. He looks pale, is weak and loses flesh. Soon he has a hacking

cough, worse in the morning, with a scanty, glairy sputum. His weight

continues to decrease, his heart is weak and beats faster. He has pain in

his chest below the shoulder blades. He may have a slight bleeding from

the lungs. His cough becomes worse, the expectoration gets thicker and

more profuse, with night sweats, high fever, and shortness of breath. The

eyes are bright; the cheeks are pale or flushed. Chronic looseness of the

bowels may be present. Bleeding from the lungs may occur at any time, but

it is most frequent and profuse during the last stages. The patient

becomes very weak, thin and pale, emaciated. The brain action remains

good, and he remains hopeful almost until the last. Tuberculosis may exist

in almost every part of the body and we have many forms. It is not

necessary to discuss all. It would tend to confusion. I will name the most

of them:

1. Acute Miliary Tuberculosis.

(A.) Acute General Miliary Tuberculosis.

(B.) Pulmonary (lung) type.

(C.) Tubercular Meningitis.

2. Tuberculosis of the lymph nodes (glands). This was formerly called

Scrofula. This is more curable and will be treated more fully elsewhere.

3. Tuberculous Pleurisy.

4. Tuberculous Pericarditis.

5. Tuberculous Peritonitis. (Of this there are a good many cases.)

6. Tuberculosis of the Larynx.

7. Acute Pneumonia (Pulmonary Tuberculosis) or "Galloping Consumption."

8. Chronic Ulcerative Pulmonary Tuberculosis.

9. Chronic Miliary Tuberculosis.

10. Tuberculosis of the Alimentary Canal.

11. Tuberculosis of the Brain.

12. Tuberculosis of the liver, kidneys, bladder, etc.

13. Tuberculosis of joints, this will be treated more fully elsewhere.

