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WATER ON THE BRAIN (Acute Hydrocephalus)
Helleborus nig. 3X dil.
When menstruation is absent or suppressed, bleeding sometimes occurs periodically, from the ear, nose, any existing raw surface, leg, ulcer, and from the respiratory (breathing) tract, and also from the bowels. ...
Vichy Water
Sparkling mineral water from springs at Vichy, France or water similar to it. ...
VINEGAR (Acetic Acid)
Vinegar contains from six to seven per cent acetic acid. Dilute acetic acid contains six per cent pure acetic acid. The pure or glacial acetic acid is a crystalline solid at 59 degrees F., takes up moisture readily so should be kept in well stoppered bo...
One that is face to face with or opposite to another. ...
Pain and expense are saved by consulting the dentist in good season. The smallest cavity should be filled as soon as discovered. At least once a year the teeth should be carefully examined by one's dentist; it would be better to go every six months. Let...
Reduce the value; impair the quality; corrupt morally; debase; make ineffective; invalidate. voile Light, plain-weave, sheer fabric of cotton, rayon, silk, or wool used for dresses and curtains. wahoo Shrubby North American tree of th...
This is simply a symptom; many diseases cause it, as scarlet fever, tuberculosis, meningitis, acute dyspepsia, biliousness, chronic dyspepsia, indigestion, neuralgia of the bowels, appendicitis, ulcer and cancer of the stomach, pregnancy, etc. Many pers...
Nux Vomica 3X trit. (tablet form). For acid vomiting, one tablet dry on the tongue every fifteen minutes. Ipecac 3X trit. (tablet form) for bilious vomiting. Cocculus 2X dil. for vomiting from riding. Ten drops in a half glass full of water; take o...
Waldorf Salad
Diced raw apples, celery, and walnuts mixed with mayonnaise. wen Harmless cyst, usually on the scalp or face, containing the fatty secretion of a sebaceous gland. ...
WART (Verucca). Mothers' Remedies
1. An Application for, also Good for Cuts and Lacerations. "Make a lotion of ten drops tincture of marigold to two ounces of water and apply." This is also good for severe cuts and lacerations. It may be applied by cloths or bandages if the case require...
One suspects that those who advise washing the hair once a week have more of all eye to the increase of their business than to the welfare of their customers' hair. The egg shampoo has been advised. Use a soap made of vegetable oil if possible. Never ru...
WATER ON THE BRAIN (Acute Hydrocephalus)
Helleborus nig. 3X dil. ...
Powdered Aloes 4 drams Powdered Gamboge 4 drams Powdered Hellebore 2 drams Powdered Guaiac 1/2 dram Hydrargyrum Chlorid Mite 1/2 dram Precip. Sulphide of Antim...
Weak Back, Liniment for
"Tincture of Cayenne Pepper 1/2 ounce Spirits of Camphor 2 ounces Tincture of Arnica 1-1/2 ounce No better liniment; is an excellent remedy to bathe the back with; will not blister." ...
Weak Back, Turpentine and Sweet Oil for
"Take one part of turpentine to two parts of sweet oil, mix together and apply to back several times a day. It is well to massage the back at night with this mixture just before retiring. Always apply warm." ...
WEN (Sebaceous Cyst. Steatoma)
A wen varies in size from a millet seed to an egg, and it is due to the distention of a sebaceous gland by its retained secretions. They occur most commonly on the scalp, face and back. They cause no pain, grow slowly, and after they have grown to a cer...
What to do during and after Vaccination
Do nothing to irritate the eruption, do not pull the scab off, when it drops off throw it in the fire. When the eruption is at its height show it to the doctor who performed the vaccination. If it is satisfactory, ask him for a certificate stating when...
When should a person be Vaccinated
The sooner the better as a rule, and especially whenever there is much liability of exposure to smallpox. Children should be vaccinated before they are four months old; those who have never been vaccinated, should, except teething children, be vaccinat...
When to Suspect Cancer and What to Do
External or Exposed Cancer. Cancer of the exposed or surface parts of the body, such as the skin of the lip, nose, cheek, forehead, temples, etc., is more readily recognized than internal cancer, and is therefore more liable to early operation and prom...
Where should Vaccination be Performed
In a room or place free from persons suffering from disease, and from dust which may convey to the scratched surface germs of any communicable disease; certainly not in or near a room where there is erysipelas or consumption, nor in the presence of one...
Syrup Tolutani 4 drams Glycerini 8 drams Hive Syrup 12 drams Syrup Ipecacuanhae 12 drams Tincture Lobelia 12 drams Tincture Opii Camphor 12 drams Extract Pilocarp...
Who should be Vaccinated
Everybody, old and young, for his own interest, and that he may not become a breeding place for the distribution of smallpox to others, should seek that protection from smallpox which is afforded by vaccination alone. It is believed that all persons exc...