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Categories: Diseases of Women

Our busy life, our manner of dress, with all its attending demands are

causing havoc with the health of women who are under its terrible strain.

The number of women undergoing operations in our public and private

hospitals from day to day bears witness to the ravages of the strenuous

social life and mute testimony of the neglect of the laws of nature. Good

health is the fruition of eternal vigilance and a blessing that money
br /> cannot buy. The conduct and health of our women represents the life of our

nation; individually, in a measure at least, health governs the happiness

of the home. Steele says: "All a woman has to do in this world is

contained within the duties of a daughter, a sister, a wife, and a

mother." But how many girls grow to womanhood untaught; enter wifehood in

ignorance, and assume motherhood wholly unprepared for the duties that are

thrust upon her. It would be out of place in a work of this nature, a

family table book, to take up all the questions involved in such a

subject; we can only leave with you a word of warning. Before puberty the

girl should be taught to lead a life that will make her strong and healthy

to prepare her for the coming strain upon her system. Once she has reached

puberty parents should remember, above all things, that HEALTH is far more

important than high grades in school. Do not offer prizes for high marks

and otherwise add to the pressure of the present school system. Relieve

her of worry, do not add to it. A cheerful mind, plenty of fresh air and

sunshine is more important at this period than school work. We have paid

special attention to "Causes" in this department; may we ask you, Mother

and Daughter, to read "CAUSES" of disease and thus render unnecessary in

later life, drugs, medicines, headache tablets and, perhaps, operations.

The Pelvis. It is so called from its resemblance to a basin, is stronger

and, more massively constructed than either the skull or chest cavity; it

is a bony ring, interposed between the lower end of the spine, which it

supports, and the lower extremities, upon which it rests. It is composed

of four bones, the two innominated, (nameless), which bound it on either

side and in front, and the Sacrum and Coccyx, which complete it behind.

Further description will be given in the department of Obstetrics. The

cavity of the pelvis contains the bladder, the rectum, and some of the

generative organs peculiar to each sex and some windings of the small

intestine; they are partially covered by the peritoneum (lining membrane

of the abdominal cavity).

