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344. Borax as a Purifier for Ice Box

Borax is an invaluable aid to the
woman who wishes to keep her ice box immaculate. It is especially

desirable for use in small refrigerators where little food is kept, and

where ice is kept more for the purpose of preserving butter and milk and

keeping bottled water cool. Cold water with plenty of pure borax, is

preferable to hot water to use in wiping off the walls of the

refrigerator. It does not heat the box and, being a germ killer, it

purifies everything it touches. It may also he put in the corners of the

refrigerator. Its best use of all is perhaps in keeping the receptacle for

the ice itself and the outside tube in pure and sanitary condition. It may

be sprinkled freely over the bottom of the ice box proper and on the rack

holding the ice.

