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39. How to Keep Cookies from Burning
To keep cookies from burning on the
bottom, turn the baking pan upside down and bake on the bottom of the pan.
38. Cleaning Paint and Varnish
4. In Case of Sickness
342. To Prevent Fruit from Moulding
A layer of absorbent cotton laid over the fruit in the mouth of the fruit cans is an excellent preventive against the mould. If mould should form, it will cling to the cotton and leave the fruit clean. ...
343. Linoleum or Oilcloth That is Cracked
Linoleum that is badly cracked may be improved by a filler made of ochre and boiled flour paste. After the filling is dry the linoleum may be painted. ...
344. Borax as a Purifier for Ice Box
Borax is an invaluable aid to the woman who wishes to keep her ice box immaculate. It is especially desirable for use in small refrigerators where little food is kept, and where ice is kept more for the purpose of preserving butter and milk and keeping...
345. To Clean Gilded Surfaces
To clean gilded surfaces, dip a soft brush in alcohol to which a few drops of ammonia water have been added, and with it go over the surface. Do not rub roughly or harshly. In about five minutes the dirt will have become soft and easy of removal. Then g...
346. Hints for the Housewife
Every housewife should have plenty of waxed paper or paraffin paper about the house. It is of the greatest value in preserving eatables from the air and keeping them properly moist. In the sandwich basket it is indispensable. Cake wrapped in it will kee...
347. Excessive Gas Light Weakens the Eyes
When the excessive light of the gas light or the electric bulb tires weak eyes, resort to the tallow candle. For the sick room wax candles are preferred, as they never produce smoke or smell. They seem to soothe the nerves of the invalid and in this wa...
348. Handy Disinfectant for the Household
Chlorate of lime moistened with vinegar and water, equal parts, is a handy disinfectant for the household. It can be kept in the cellar, and in case of sickness a few drops scattered around the house will purify the air. ...
349. For Closing Windows
A piece of bamboo, an old blind roller, or any strong smoothly rounded stick about three feet long, with a small flat piece of wood about the same thickness, twelve inches long and covered with flannel, nailed across the ends, makes an admirable and use...
35. Hanging Out Clothes
The other day I came across a peculiar clothes bar. It was the same as any other, except that the crossbars had been removed, and for them ropes had been substituted. The owner told me she had had her husband fix it for her the previous winter when she ...
36. A Fine Cutting Board
I measured the top of my kitchen cabinet, and had a piece of zinc cut to fit it, allowing an inch for turning over the edges. My husband tacked it on, and I can cut meat and bread or anything on it, without harming it in the least, besides using it as a...
37. Convenient Place for Stiletto
It will be found a great convenience to have the stiletto tied to the embroidery hoop by a ribbon about a foot long, when that little instrument is necessary for the work in hand. ...
38. Cleaning Paint and Varnish
Many housekeepers have been annoyed by finding their paint and varnish brushes dry and hard. To soften them, heat to the boiling water point some good cider vinegar, immerse your brushes and allow them to simmer in it for a few minutes, then wash out in...
39. How to Keep Cookies from Burning
To keep cookies from burning on the bottom, turn the baking pan upside down and bake on the bottom of the pan. ...
4. In Case of Sickness
In our home, when hot cloths are needed wet ones are put in a steamer, and water kept boiling underneath. In this way the cloths are more easily handled and can be applied as hot as needed. ...
40. Non-Sticking Cake Tins
Cake layers will not stick in cooking if a little meal is scorched on the cake tins and rubbed off with paper. ...
41. To Clean Sieve
Hold a sieve which has been used for straining oatmeal, tomatoes, fruit, etc., at once under the faucet, or shake it in enough water to cover it, then slap it, and it is easily cleaned; if it dries first it is almost impossible to get it clean even by m...
42. Washing Clothes
After the clothes have been soaked a while to loosen the dirt, spread on washboard, soap, and then rub with a common scrub brush. The dirt comes out easier and with much less wear on the clothes. Even when the washing machine is used, this is a help for...
43. Discoveries
When old clothes, like worn-out aprons or waists or linings come to hand, and are absolutely good for nothing else, cut them into small pieces, say eight or twelve inches square, some larger, and put them into a bag or box easily accessible. Then when s...
44. To Stretch Curtains
Take curtains while wet and put on a curtain rod; also put a heavy rod as a weight on the lower hem. Hang one on curtain at a time at an open window and stretch the desired width. ...
45. Cleaning Windows in the Winter
It is a hard task in the winter time to wash windows in the old way, but if it is very cold, windows can be cleaned by using "Bon Ami," The same is useful for cleaning bright pieces on stoves. ...
46. How to Kill Black Ants
A request for information as to how to rid plants and trees of black ants, which was received at the Pennsylvania department of agriculture's division of zoology, elicited the following from Prof. H. A. Surface, State Zoologist. You can do this by findi...
47. Washing Windows
It is better to wash windows on a cloudy day or when the sun is not shining directly on them. Before washing, dust them thoroughly inside and out, then wash the woodwork without touching the glass. For the glass use warm water, to which add a tablespoon...
48. Home-made Soap Shaker
A baking powder can with holes punctured in both cover and bottom, makes a fine soap shaker. Put all the small scraps of soap in this, and when you wash dishes, just put box and all in your dishpan and shake about. You will have a nice suds and no soap ...
49. Cleaning Rugs
When cleaning rugs first lay them out straight and brush with a stiff dry scrubbing brush. You will be surprised at the amount of dirt that is loosened and comes out in this way. ...